swsnu / swppfall2021

Learning Software Engineering By Building Web Services
28 stars 19 forks source link

M1522.002400 Principles and Practices of Software Development


Project Guideline

Please follow the guideline in this link.

Schedule (TBD)

There may be some changes to the schedule.

Week Lecture Practice Session Homework / Project / Exam
9/2 Course overview Environment Setup + Python + HTML/Javascript (DOM) HW1 out 9/2
9/7,9 Challenges to make software; Version control Git HW2 out 9/9,
HW1 due 9/10 6pm,
Team formation due 9/12 (Sun) 6pm
9/14,16 SaaS architecture; Building software; ORM React HW2 due 9/17 6pm,
HW3 out 9/17
9/23 Project sprints; Requirements and specification; Redux Project proposal due 9/24 6pm
9/28, 30 Testing Frontend Testing (Jest + Enzyme)
10/5,7 Software development process; Design patterns Frontend Q&A Project sprint 1 begin (bi-weekly meetings with TAs at the end of sprint),
HW3(feature) due 10/7 6pm
10/12,14 Taming complexity; defensive programming; Design patterns Django HW3(testing) due 10/14 6pm
10/19,21 Design patterns Django + Python Testing HW4 out 10/15,
Project sprint 2 begin
10/26,28 Design patterns; code refactoring Integration + CI + SonarCloud
11/2,4 Operation Design Pattern HW4 due 11/4 6pm,
Project sprint 3 begin
11/9,11 Operation, Mid-presentation Project Mid Presentation The mid presentation session will be on 11/11.
11/16,18 ML pipeline Deployment Project sprint 4 begin
11/23,25 ML pipeline Code Refactoring + Optimization
11/30,12/2 Operation Final Exam 12/2 Coding exams (Minimum 4 hours),
Project sprint 5 begin
12/7,9 TBD Testing Session
12/17 Project poster session Project final report (due 12/17 6pm)

Online Office Hours

Professor :

TAs :

Donghyun Kim

Changjin Jeong

Soyoung Jung

(Please send TAs an email ahead of time, we can set up a specific time and place)

Project Teams