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Question about grading hw 3-1 #88

Open ddony8128 opened 2 years ago

ddony8128 commented 2 years ago

While testing my code for hw3, I found I had added space on the both side of title or content texts because of an unconscious habit for indenting and clean codes. Like " {p opening tag} {this.props.title} {p closing tag} ", there are spaces inside of p tags so that the title text appears with additional two spaces on the both side when it renders. As I check if the text is equal to title I intended to show, the code says no because of the spaces... Do I also get deduction in grading hw 3-1 like this? If I do, I'll be so embarrassed...

kdh0102 commented 2 years ago

Any kind of typo may lead to minor point deductions. In your case, however, there will be no problem if the text inside the tag is correct. Please check the details when the results come out.

bgchun commented 2 years ago

We use automated grading since it is very time-consuming to grade each homework manually by running tests manually. Make sure to follow the homework specification.

ddony8128 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the answer. I think I can rest assured.