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[Project Requirements and Specification] question about the guideline #91

Open Zagoshipda opened 3 years ago

Zagoshipda commented 3 years ago

I have a question on the 3rd line of guideline which says,

What does avoid specifying a design and customer-specified design mean? Can you give me some example of those?

ttoru96 commented 3 years ago
  1. The word design at avoid specifying a design refers to system design. To avoid specifying a design is not to tie or constrain requirements to some specific system design.
  2. The word design at customer-specified design elements is closer to design in the context of UI. It means if there is any design elements that your service customizes for individual users, then you may include such design at requirement&specification document. For example, you may design the main page of your service to be shown as my page for existing users, but a recommendation page for new users. In this case, you should include such content at your requirement&specification document.
Zagoshipda commented 3 years ago

Thank you for answering : )