swt2-intro-exercise / rails-exercise-18-lassesteffen

rails-exercise-18-lassesteffen created by GitHub Classroom
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SWT2 2018/19 - Introductory Exercise

This is an interactive Ruby on Rails 5 exercise, based partly on the "Getting Started with Rails" guide. Interactivity is provided by opening issues in the GitHub issue tracker (through a CI server) that contain instructions on what tasks to tackle next.

We prepared an application stub of an academic paper management system for you that has a failing test case.

Follow these steps to complete the software and the exercise:

1) Set up your repository

2) Set up local development environment

Option 1: Local setup

Option 2: Use a Virtual Machine

vagrant up # download the image and start the VM
vagrant ssh # connect via ssh
cd hpi-swt2
mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins && git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
rbenv install 2.5.0 #install current ruby
ruby --version # check that 2.5.0 is being used
bundle install # install dependencies
exit # restarting the session for changes to take effect
vagrant ssh #connect with VM
cd hpi-swt2
rails s -b 0 #starting rails server, the -b part is necessary since the app is running in a VM and would otherwise drop the requests coming from the host OS

3) Dive into the code

4) Commit and push

5) Check your inbox / issues

6) For each issue

7) Repeat steps 4 to 6 until the exercise is complete.
