swt2-intro-exercise / rails-intro-21-YoungBinKo

rails-intro-21-YoungBinKo created by GitHub Classroom
MIT License
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Ruby on Rails Introductory Exercise

This is an interactive exercise introducing the basics of web development with Ruby on Rails 6.0 (not the latest 6.1.4 release). It is used in the course SSE at the Hasso Plattner Institute.

The exercise is inspired by the offical "Getting Started with Rails" guide, so in case of getting stuck, this is a good start to find solutions.

The interactivity of this exercise is provided by opening issues in the GitHub issue tracker. The issues contain details of the feature to tackle next as well as the currently failing test case and the corresponding error message.

This repository contains an application stub of an academic paper management system with a failing test case. Follow these steps to complete the software and the exercise:

Exercise Steps

1) Set up your repository

2) Set up local development environment

Option 1: Local setup on Linux or MacOS

Option 2: WSL in Windows

Option 3: Use a Virtual Machine

3) Dive into the code

4) Commit and push

5) Check your inbox / issues

6) For each issue

7) Repeat steps 4 to 6 until the exercise is complete.
