swuecho / redashX

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Redash MDX

Redash Dashboard with mdx support

use Redash API and Redash/Vis in MDX to write report (dashboard).

fetch data

  1. write your query in Redash, write down the query id.
  2. use the query id to fetch data. useRedashData(queryId)
  3. use the data in your custom React Component.

plot data

  1. create plot in Redash, write down the query id and plot id. -> (53, 76)
  2. use the plot in your MDX.
<RedashPlot queryId={53} plotId={76}></RedashPlot>

display data

the same with plot, but RedashTable has only on parameter queryId.

<RedashTable queryId={41}></RedashTable>

disaply data as table

related: https://www.evidence.dev/