swushi / react-native-input-outline

MIT License
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React Native Input Outline

A performant TextInput with fully configurable options 🚀

React Native Bottom Sheet

I built this library because of all the performance issues I noticed in other TextInput libraries. This library is extremely performant thanks to Reanimated v2. Leave a star if you enjoy it!

Performant React Native TextInputs built with Reanimated 2.


yarn add react-native-reanimated@2.0.0-rc.0 react-native-input-outline

Reanimated v2 is required for this library to work. Please follow Reanimated Installation instruction to setup Reanimated v2.


import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import { InputOutline, InputStandard } from 'react-native-input-outline';

export default () => {
  const inputRef = useRef<InputOutline>(null); // fully TypeScript enabled
  const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined);

  const showError = () => {
    setError('This is your error message!');

  const hideError = () => {

  return (
        error={error} // wont take effect until a message is passed

      <InputStandard /> 

      <Button onPress={showError} title="Set Input Error" />

All vanilla ReactNative TextInput Props along with regular ref usage are supported as well as others configured from this library shown below.


Prop Desription Default Type
TextInput Props Inherited Props TextInput Props
activeColor Color when focused. 'blue' string
inactiveColor Color when blurred (not focused). 'black' string
errorColor Color that is displayed when in error state. 'red' string
backgroundColor Background color of the TextInput. 'white' string
fontSize Font size for TextInput. 14 number
fontFamily Font Family for all fonts. undefined string
fontColor Color of TextInput's font. black string
error Error message is displayed. If anything is provided to error besides null or undefined, then the component is within an error state, thus displaying the error message provided here and errorColor. undefined string | undefined | null
errorFontSize Font size of error text. 10 number
errorFontFamily Font family of error text. undefined string
assistiveText Will show a character count helper text and limit the characters being entered. undefined string
assistiveTextFontSize Font size of assistive text. 10 number
assitiveTextFontFamily Font family of assistive text. undefined string
assistiveTextColor Font color of assistive text. inactiveColor string
characterCount Will show a character count helper text and limit the characters being entered. undefined number
characterCountFontSize Font size of character count text. 10 number
characterCountFontFamily Font family of character count text. undefined string
characterCountColor Font color of character count text. inactiveColor string
paddingVertical Vertical padding for TextInput Container. Used to calculate animations. 12 number
paddingHorizontal Horizontal padding for TextInput Container. 16 number
roundness Border Radius for Container. 5 number
trailingIcon Trailing Icon for the Input. undefined React.FC
placeholder The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered. string


Method Description
focus() Requests focus for the given input or view. The exact behavior triggered will depend on the platform and type of view.
blur() Removes focus from an input or view. This is the opposite of focus()
isFocused() Returns current focus of input.
clear() Removes all text from the TextInput.


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
