swyxio / async-react-future

high level api's to try with async react
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async-react-future - import * from './future' today!

A compilation of everything everyone is doing with Async React, for easy demoing and experimentation.


This library helps people experiment with Async React as explored by the community.


See it in action

Non Suspense Demo Clones ### Simple movie demo clone - no Suspense, no react-loadable [![Edit async-react-future simple non suspense clone](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/0po13wpz6v) ### Movie demo clone - no Suspense, with react-loadable [![Edit async-react-future react-loadable non suspense clone](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/wn4w6ywqxw)

Full movie demo clone - with Suspense

Edit async-react-future demo clone


npm install --save async-react-future

API Documentation

Note: all of the below must be used inside ReactDOM's coming <AsyncMode>.


Dan Movie Demo Components

Placeholder > Placeholder component from Dan's demo This is a simple wrapper for Timeout; frankly if you know Timeout well you don't have to use this. You want one of these above any suspending you're going to do. #### Props ```js const { delayMs = 1, // note that react has hardcorded expirations at 1s and 5s fallback = 'Loading', // any jsx here will do children // required } = props; ``` #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { Placeholder } } from 'async-react-future'; // later... }> {/* stuff with suspenders in here */} ```
Component > new React.Component from Dan's demo Just adds deferSetState to React.Component, which passes things through ReactDom.deferredUpdates before setting component state #### Props N/A #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { Component } } from 'async-react-future'; class App extends Component { state = { showDetail: false }; handleClick = id => { this.deferSetState({ showDetail: true }); }; render() { // use this.handleClick somewhere } } ```
Img > Img component from Dan's demo Suspends image fetching. pretty much. #### Props ```js const { src, // required alt = '', // probably required ...rest } = props; ``` #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { Img } } from 'async-react-future'; // later poster ```

Misc components

Never > Never component from Suspense test Throws a promise that resolves after some arbitrarily large number of seconds. The idea is that this component will never resolve. It's always wrapped by a Timeout. Source: https://github.com/acdlite/react/blob/7166ce6d9b7973ddd5e06be9effdfaaeeff57ed6/packages/react-reconciler/src/__tests__/ReactSuspense-test.js#L558 #### Props N/A #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { Never } } from 'async-react-future'; function Delay({ms}) { return ( {didTimeout => { if (didTimeout) { // Once ms has elapsed, render null. This allows the rest of the // tree to resume rendering. return null; } return ; }} ); } ```
Delay > Delay component from Suspense test Delay a render of peer components by `ms` milliseconds. Can be used to debounce, for example. Once ms has elapsed, render null. This allows the rest of the tree to resume rendering. Source: https://github.com/acdlite/react/blob/7166ce6d9b7973ddd5e06be9effdfaaeeff57ed6/packages/react-reconciler/src/__tests__/ReactSuspense-test.js#L558 #### Props N/A #### Usage Example ```js import React, {Fragment} from 'react'; import { future: { Delay } } from 'async-react-future'; function DebouncedText({text, ms}) { return ( {/* defined elsewhere */} ); } ```
LowPriority > LowPriority component from Peggy's ReactEurope demo Defers (makes low priority) prop changes to its children through manipulating a `value` prop on a `stateKey`. from https://github.com/peggyrayzis/react-europe-apollo #### Props ```js const { stateKey, // required, string value, // required, any children // function as a child, gets the deferred props passed to LowPriority } = this.props; ``` #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { LowPriority } } from 'async-react-future'; import React, {Timeout} from 'react' // later {/* not deferred */} {selectedDog => ( // deferred {expired => expired && selectedDog ? ( {/* defined elsewhere */} ) : ( {/* defined elsewhere */} ) } )} ```


Raw Data > Raw movie data to make demo clones * moviesOverview (array of movie objects) * movieDetailsJSON (an object map of movie id: movie detail object) * movieReviewsJSON (an object map of movie id: movie review object) #### Usage Example ```js import { mockapi: { moviesOverview }, movieDemo: { MovieListPage} } from 'async-react-future'; // later ```
Fetch Data > Async wrappers with delays for the raw data * fetchMovieList * fetchMovieDetails * fetchMovieReviews #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { createFetcher }, mockapi: { fetchMofetchMovieReviewsvieList }, movieDemo: { MovieListPage} } from 'async-react-future'; const movieReviewsFetcher = createFetcher(fetchMovieReviews); function MovieReviews({ movieId }) { const reviews = movieReviewsFetcher.read(movieId); return
{reviews.map(review =>
; } ```
Utilities Just a `delay` function for now #### Usage Example ```js export const fetchMovieDetails = async (id, delayMS = 100) => { await delay(delayMS); return movieDetailsJSON[id]; }; ```


Styled components that help to rapidly recreate demo clones and minimize code people have to dig through.


MovieListPage > A MovieListPage A MovieListPage #### Usage Example ```js import { mockapi: { moviesOverview }, movieDemo: { MovieListPage} } from 'async-react-future'; // later ```

The rest of this documentation is yet to be completed.


Spinner > A simple Spinner A simple css spinner that always spins, pass `size={'large'}` for 2x size #### Usage Example ```js import { future: { Placeholder } movieDemo: { Spinner } } from 'async-react-future'; // later... }> {/* stuff with suspenders in here */} ```


I have studied a lot of people's code and you are likely to see shades of your code pop up here and there. I don't claim any rights at all to any of this. I'll try to attribute as many people as possible but apologies in advance if I forgot to include you.

Library was bootstrapped with: https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/create-react-library


MIT © sw-yx