sxiii / linux-downloader

Bash script for autodownloading of different Linux distros and testing them in VMs
37 stars 13 forks source link

Use original names of isos and also running curls in parallel #10

Open jebarpg opened 7 months ago

jebarpg commented 7 months ago

I see that has added proxmox as well as the ability to change the output directory. Could we also have the option to save the file with the original iso name with the versioning as well. And for the all and multiple distro downloads can we have the curl commands run in parallel by either providing all the aggregate curl commands into one long curl command over one TCP connection or use the & operator in the shell to start process in parallel.

I have been looking at your code around lines 255-270 ish and think that is where the parallel curl command might go or concatenating the function calls in the script...

Also I can do the change but I am not sure how... so any tips would be welcomed. Thanks for this script by the way ^.^b

sxiii commented 1 month ago

Hi @jebarpg

Thanks for the suggestions, I think they are valuable and I'd be happy to include them in the project. At the moment I don't have free time to work on it, so it's either you committing and I can accept pull request or I can work on this but can't promise on timing unfortunately.

Thanks for your input once again!