sxiii / linux-downloader

Bash script for autodownloading of different Linux distros and testing them in VMs
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Bash script for autodownloading of different latest, "bleeding edge" Linux distros and testing them in qemu VM. Other than Linux, it also boots *BSDs families and other opensource projects. Currently about 100 Linux, BSD and alternative OS distributions are supported in 8 different "families". Also, booting from iPXE mirrors ( and is supported.

Linux Distrohopper Dream Machine Script

| Script downloads recent (latest release) linux ISOs and spins a VM for a test.   |
| This is distrohopper dream machine. It consist of the file with distro download  | 
| functions ( as well as this script. Theoretically, the script | 
| should always download recent linux ISOs without any updates. But, if the dev(s) |
| change the download URL or something else, it might be required to do manual     |
| changes -                                                    |


Currently supported distributions

If you can't find your favourite linux distro in here, please create a github issue with details about it or add support for it yourself and do a pull request.

Arch-based:      DEB-based:       RPM-based:           Other:           Source-based:    Containers and DCs:  BSD, NAS, Firewall:  Not linux:
0 = archlinux        17 = debian      35 = fedora          52 = alpine      69 = gentoo      77 = rancheros       85 = freebsd     99 = openindiana
1 = manjaro      18 = ubuntu      36 = centos          53 = tinycore        70 = sabayon     78 = k3os        86 = netbsd      100 = minix
2 = arcolinux        19 = linuxmint   37 = opensuse        54 = porteus     71 = calculate   79 = flatcar         87 = openbsd     101 = haiku
3 = archbang         20 = zorinos     38 = rosa        55 = slitaz      72 = nixos       80 = silverblue      88 = ghostbsd    102 = menuetos
4 = parabola         21 = popos       39 = altlinux        56 = pclinuxos       73 = guix        81 = photon          89 = hellosystem     103 = kolibri
5 = endeavour        22 = deepin      40 = mandriva        57 = void        74 = crux        82 = coreos          90 = dragonflybsd    104 = reactos
6 = artix        23 = mxlinux     41 = mageia          58 = fourmlinux      75 = gobolinux   83 = dcos        91 = pfsense     105 = freedos
7 = arco         24 = knoppix     42 = clearos         59 = kaos        76 = easyos      84 = proxmox         92 = opnsense    
8 = garuda       25 = kali        43 = alma        60 = clearlinux                                93 = midnightbsd     
9 = rebornos         26 = puppy       44 = rocky           61 = dragora                               94 = truenas     
10 = archlabs        27 = pureos      45 = qubes           62 = slackware                                 95 = nomadbsd    
11 = namib       28 = elementary      46 = nobara          63 = adelie                                96 = hardenedbsd     
12 = obarun      29 = backbox     47 = ultramarine     64 = plop                                  97 = xigmanas    
13 = archcraft       30 = devuan      48 = springdale      65 = solus                                 98 = clonos      
14 = peux        31 = jingos      49 = berry           66 = peropesis                                              
15 = bluestar        32 = cutefishos      50 = risios          67 = openmamba                                              
16 = xerolinux       33 = parrot      51 = eurolinux       68 = pisi                                               
             34 = tailsos

How to use?

  1. git clone
  2. cd linux-downloader
  3. ./ If you manually pick distros (opt. one or two) you will be prompted about launching a VM for test spin for each distro. Multiple values are also supported:
    • one distribution (e.g. type 0 for archlinux)*
    • several distros - space separated (e.g. for getting both Arch and Manjaro, type '0 1' (without quotes))*
    • 'all' option, the script will ONLY download ALL of the ISOs (warning: this can take a lot of space (~128 GB) as well as several hours to download everything!)
    • 'filesize' option will check the local (downloaded) filesizes of ISOs vs. the current/recent ISOs filesizes on the websites
    • 'netbootxyz' option allows you to boot from via network
    • 'netbootsal' option will boot from

Verified as working

This script verified as working correctly on the following OSes:

How to add distribution yourself

  1. Clone the repo, if you hadn't already, and enter the resuling folder:

    git clone && cd linux-downloader
  2. Open file "" with your favourite text editor. In the according row of "Categories", add the name of your distro in the end of the array.

  3. In the same file, little bit down further, add your distro variable (array) like this: (the order is the same as in "Categories")

    distroname=("Full Distro Name" "arch" "releasename" "distronameurl")

    Here is the real example to make it more obvious:

    obarun=("Obarun" "amd64" "rolling" "obarunurl")
  4. Save & close the "" file. Now, open "" file. This is more tricky. We need to AUTOMATICALLY get the URL of the most recent distribution (fixed-links are forbidden as they will destroy the idea behind this script of always get the recent release). So you need to find a way to get the recent release full download URL. For example, if we want to download from, make a new function like this:

    distronameurl () {
    checkfile $1

    Here you will need to edit: function name (distronameurl), mirror address (in this example we're downloading project "SF-Project-Name" from sourceforge), output file name. Checkfile is the function that checks if file exists and downloads the file if not, so don't touch it. If you are going to download not from sourceforge, but from some other website, please check the other distributions for examples - there are plenty of examples of how to parse websites to get the recent download links automatically. In the end, you need to supply "new" variable with full ISO URL, as well as "output" var with filename (and mirror variable is there for cleaniness of the code and code consistancy). Other than that, you can use "grep, awk, xargs" or other classic UNIX tools to parse the HTML (or several files) and get the actual download link. If you'll create temporary files, please don't forget to remove them in the end of the function. You can as well parse file listings like HTTP or FTP server mirror hosts. If you can't write the correct code, feel free to create an issue and ask me for help.

  5. Now, save the "" file. Run the ./ script, type-in number of your distribution, and check, that it's downloaded correctly.

  6. Last but very important, please create a pull request, so I could check and add distribution of your choice.

Thank you!

Help needed

"Work-in-progress". To do:

  1. Multiple architecture support
  2. Multiple download mirror support ~3. Adding more distributions (current goal: 100)~

Notes on files

Feel free to do a pull request or ask me to add your favourite distro in the issues. NB: I prefer the distros updated at least during the last 2-3 years (ideally, 1 year). Exceptions can be historically important releases and rare/special operating systems.

Author & License