git clone -b release_v5.0
Do note that the demos support multiple flavors. In AS go to "Build Variants" and pick the desired one (e.g. monoscopicDebug or oculusDebug). Monoscopic variant runs the app in monoscopic mode - meaning one eye rendered full screen. If you pick the Oculus variant then the app will do stereoscopic rendering. See below for further details on running with Oculus.
For Oculus
Set up the Oculus device signature for your device (it will look like oculussig_xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is the id you get when you run adb devices
); copy it into an assets folder each project's src/main/assets
if you want to run without loading into a headset, enable Samsung VR Service developer mode:
adb install -r ./sxrcubemap/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
command on at least one project, then the service should discover you Putting the phone into "AR" mode, must be done after each phone restart: adb shell setprop debug.samsungxr.hmt AR-DROP-IN2
A minimal sample showing how to display an equirectangular (360) photo.
A minimal sample showing how to display an equirectangular (360) video using either Android's MediaPlayer class or the ExoPlayer class.
A simplified version of the sxr-3dcursor sample that shows how to use the 3DCursor plugin.
Shows how to use the 3DCursor plugin.
Shows how to use SXR's accessibility classes. For example: InvertedColors, TextToSpeech, and Zoom.
Simple sample showing how to use SXR with the Physics plugin.
Simple sample showing how to use the camera2 api along with renderscript for use with the passthrough camera.
Simple example of Spatial Audio using GoogleVR's audio library (previously used cardboard's audio library).
A simple sample which can contain as many Stanford bunnies as we want to make it complex
A nice demo that shows input from both the gamepad and touchpad to control a character.
A simple example to show how to load in a cubemap and use it for the background as well as a reflection on an object.
An example showing how to display Android Views inside VR and route events to those views.
A simple picking example.
A minimal example showing how to receive input from a gamepad.
A larger sample that shows a concept of an immersive virtual museum. Uses many features of SXR: picking, TextViews, Video, input, etc.
A minimal example showing how an application can be written with Javascript.
A sample that shows how to create a virtual keyboard, including voice input, and use it in a simple trivia game.
A minimal example showing how an application can be written with Lua.
A simple sample that loads in an animated model and starts the animation.
A viewer that allows you to select and display models stored in /sdcard/SXRModelViewer2/. You can look at the model from different angles, change lighting, look at it in wireframe, and toggle animations. Uses the libGDX plugin for UI.
A simple sample showing how to use multiple lights.
A sample showing how to use multiple render passes with the same geometry to show an outline.
A sample showing how to draw lines.
The remote scripting sample enables the debug server and sets up a text object with the ipaddress of the phone so we know where to telnet into.
Inflates and displays some Android views onto a rotating cube.
Shows how create the various scene object types: quad, cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, passthrough camera, text, video. Tap the touchpad to cycle through the objects.
A sample that shows a light source with shadowing.
A simple sample that creates a quad and applies a texture to it.
A sample that shows both hierarchy and animation.
A sample that shows how to use the SXRSwitch node.
Shows initial scene setup and object creation.
Shows event handling and picking.
Shows creating and using components. In this tutorial, a simple particle system is created.
Shows how to integrate Sound and text.
Shows loading and using model assets.
A movie theater sample. Plays back a video, has playback controls and has two theaters to choose from.
A simple augmented reality sample using the Vuforia computer vision library. It looks for a marker and displays a teapot on top of it. You can use either the stone or chips markers. PDFs for the markers are in sxr-vuforia/app/src/main/.
Loads and displays an X3D model.