sybila / parasim

Tool for paralell simulations and verification
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Parasim is a tool for robustness analysis. For information not covered in this README visit the Parasim wiki.


Running Parasim

You can download latest Parasim prebuilt as a zip archive in the release section [LINK NEEDED]. Then use bin/parasim (Unix) or bin/parasim.bat (Windows) to execute Parasim.

Note: In the latest version of Parasim, all distributed components have been deprecated. However, the shared memory parallelisation should be still usable.

Parasim options

Parasim can be executed either in GUI mode (no command line arguments), or in command line mode (argument -t or --terminal).

Command Line Options

Examples -e

Execute experiment described in (see experiment file format) and plot result. -e -r

Load result from file referenced in and plot it. Do not execute the experiment. Note: The result file must exist, i.e. the experiment has already had to be executed.

Building Parasim

To build and test Parasim, run:

./gradlew clean build

You can also use assemble to build without testing or check to explicitly run tests.

If you want to run Parasim directly, withouth creating distribution binaries, use:

./gradlew run

If you want to create the distribution archive, run:

./gradlew distZip

The distribution .zip will then be located in the application/build/distributions folder. Alternatively, you can generated the contents of the .zip file into application/build/install by calling:

./gradlew installDist

Finally, to regenerate license headers use gradle commands license and licenseFormat (If you have your own Gradle insallation, you can run gradle instead of ./gradlew)