sylphia-nox / Discord-Bot

Discord Bot to coordinate Destiny 2 raids and provide additional utilities for users to assist them in Destiny 2. This project is written in Python and makes use of MySQL,, and the Bungie APIs
3 stars 0 forks source link
bungie-destiny-api discord-py flask-api mariadb mysql-database python

Welcome to the Sundance GitHub page!

This bot started as a personal project to create a bot for my Discord Server to organize Destiny 2 raids. It has now been expanded to work on any server.

This bot is also capable of reading your characters max power and showing what power your max light-level items are at in comparison. It can also recommend pinnacle activities to run to optimize your pinnacle leveling. You must either allow others to view your inventory on or authenticate with the bot in order to take advantage of this functionality.

See the wiki for more information.

Add Sundance to your Discord Server

This bot involves Python,, MariaDB, the Destiny APIs, Flask, uWSGI, and Nginx.