sylvainprigent / stracking

python library for particles tracking in 2D+t and 3D+t scientific images
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Issue in points layer not being added in correct frame after detection #8

Open Aravind-Kumar-04 opened 5 months ago

Aravind-Kumar-04 commented 5 months ago


I am using the Napari STracking plugin to detect features in my image (DoG detector). I want to detect the features in only particular frames (cause I have other features similar in different frames in different images that I don't want to detect). I want to do this using code (in Python using Spyder) to automate and create a pipeline according to my acquisitions.

For this, I am specifying the frames I want to detect, and then converting them into a numpy 3D array. I specify that this array belongs to my image, so the detection is on my original image itself. I think the detection is being done on the frame I asked for, but the points are being added in the frames from the beginning. For example, I am specifying that I need detection in frames 4 and 5, but the points are being added in 0 and 1.

I think the reason is that in this new 3D array, my frames 4 and 5 are indexed from 0 and 1, and the points layer basically considers that and adds the points on the frames 0 and 1 on my original image. I tried to access the SParticle object to understand and solve this issue, but I am not sure how to. It would be really helpful if this problem is solved.

I have attached my code in a .txt file, and the problems as screenshots, as this problem is really difficult to explain in words. Hope it helps!

1_Napari_points_problem_code 2_Napari_points_problem Napari_Point_Problem_Code.txt

Aravind-Kumar-04 commented 5 months ago


Sorry, but I forgot to attach the image. Here is the Google Drive link for it:

Also, I noted just now that till detection, it is considering the frames I mentioned [I think]. However, when the particle data is stored, it starts with 0, possibly because it considers the index of the Numpy 3D array that is created. However, I am not sure.

Thanks in advance! Hoping to get a solution.