symless / synergy-core

Open source core of Synergy, the cross-platform keyboard and mouse sharing tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
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Mouse is too sensitive in games on client #2631

Open nbolton opened 9 years ago

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Imported issue:

What is the problem you wish to solve?
This is an issue when playing WOW with Synergy and Synergy+. The Game does not recognize the mouse movements correctly on the client computer and the mouse look spins around and wildly reacts to slight mouse movements. Using Scroll lock allows the client computer to use mouse look to function properly but this can become annoying when attempting to dual box.

What is your new feature idea?
I should be able to mouse look on the client just as I can mouse look on the server. Relative mouse moves needs to be tied to when the mouse switches to the other screen and back again.

Is there already a less convenient way?
This website seems to offer an easy way to fix this issue. I am not sure how easy it actually is as I am not a programmer. I will say that his macro to activate and deactivate scroll lock worked with the original synergy program. I have yet to try it with synergy plus. The issue with the macro is that every time you click it centers the mouse in the middle of the screen which becomes annoying very quickly. If you could take a look at this link and add it to the beta I would really appreciate it.


How useful would the feature be to others?
I think a lot of people already use this program to dual box in RPGs like WOW and from what I have read, synergy has traditionally had problems with relative mouse moves. If you were to fix this issue it would be a nice advancement for people who Dual Box.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Maybe duplicate.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I blogged about this earlier today: "Make Synergy work with World of Warcraft":

I believe that turning on relative mouse moves and using screen lock will solve the issue.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I've found that in recent versions, chaning mouse move relative mode doesn't seem to fix mouse look in Minecraft, so Feature #2914 might not "fix" this issue. Feature #3241 might solve this but it's along shot. So some time needs to be spend looking at a proper solution.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Yes, relative mode has fixed the sensitivity of the client's mouse movement, but I am still experiencing mouse scroll issues in Sins of a Solar Empire Game. It also affects click n drag too. Happens when focus is on the client, and the actions are duplicated across both machines, when it should only be on the client. HTH

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Yes I can confirm that the sensitivity issue is good but the "right-click-and-hold then move mouse" mechanism is not working.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This is also a problem with Everquest... hold down right mouse button to move in the game and it is way to sensitive, so any movement moves your character out of control.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This also happens with source games,like HL2, TF2 and Portal ect.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Not sure if it helps but I've encountered this same issue in LOTRO on the current versions of Synergy, Mouse without borders and sharemouse, so i'm not sure its so easily fixed.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This occurs with ESO also. The mouse doesnt seem bound to the game window (moves out the boundaries) causing strange camera behavior while playing. (Server: Ubuntu 14, v1.4.17; Client: Windows 7, v1.4.17)

nbolton commented 9 years ago

this is still happening (off and on, as far as I can tell - randomly) with world of warcraft in windowed mode on the server machine with synergy. Server: Windows 7

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have the same issue with World of Warcraft (and any other 3D games really).

Simple test: Synergy server Windows, WoW running on the same machine.

My observation:

Synergy 1.4.12: If I set Synergy to Desktop (legacy) mode, instead of Service, it works fine.

Synergy 1.4.16: Synergy can only run at service mode I assume(?). Before I press any key on the keyboard in the WoW window, mouse works fine in the WoW window. If I press any key in the WoW window, then after that the mouse will go crazy in WoW. Then if I move the focus to another window (or just goto the desktop or taskbar) and press any key, then it will fix the mouse in the WoW window. Press any key again in the WoW window, mouse goes back to the crazy mode.

Note 1: Relative mouse is enabled in the settings.

Note 2: I was testing with 1.4.16 to avoid bug #3998

Note 3: Client is running the same version of Synergy on Linux, but I don't think it matters.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Update: 1.4.16 is actually also fine if I manually disable the Synergy service and run synergys.exe myself.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This problem doesn't appear to be fixed in 1.4.16 - which I just installed. I still get the problem (running a secondlife viewer on the client side, which is a openGL program, as soon as the secondlife viewer tries to determine relative mouse movement in combination with warping the mouse.

Imho, the core of the problem is that synergy is not supporting mouse warping.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone - I fixed this problem for me by writing a patch for synergy. I cloned synergy for this purpose; you can get the source code (and/or my patches) here:

At the moment of this writing, it was not tested on windows or Mac clients and might need some more fixes for the client to actually pick up mouse motion events(?), or might not even compile... But I did my best to make it work for all three platforms without being able to test it. Let me know if you needed to write a patch, etc.

Mattabase commented 9 years ago

I am using 1.5.1 and I would love to continue using it,however I am still having this issue in Minecraft.So a fix or a custom version would be awesome. I am on windows.

Sevea commented 9 years ago

Hii, i have mac mini (server) and windows 8.1 pc (client) and i play on some games like wow, FF14 and many others and same problem, mouse warping :/, input director on windows don't have this problem :/ I hope you will find a solution, thanks !

xorinzor commented 9 years ago

What is the current state on this? It's pretty frustrating to have to disable the synergyd service every time I want to play minecraft :P

The current milestone is at march 5th, but obviously that hasn't been achieved.

andenix commented 8 years ago

The bug still persist in WoW and many other OpenGL applications. What is the status of the bug?

tumpio commented 8 years ago

It has a label priority-soon and it was reported initially 2010-08-13 00:00:00. :+1:

ghost commented 8 years ago

Still happening in multiple games. Curious enough, in GTA V, the mouse speed is ok in the menu, but as soon as I get back into the gameplay, it get's too crazy.


andenix commented 8 years ago

Would have been perfect to see it fixed. Makes me switch the mouse every time I use 3d applications on my workstations. Would be super cool to rid of that.

kursion commented 8 years ago

+1 :(

rjbernaldo commented 8 years ago

Waiting for a fix for this issue as well. Server running on Ubuntu 15.10 and client is on Windows 8.1. Menus are fine, but in-game mouse sensitivity makes it unplayable.

briancwelch commented 8 years ago


schulzh commented 8 years ago


b0bcarlson commented 8 years ago

Two Linux Mint computers. Can't play on client or server. (Even when set to lockCursorToScreen)

epatpol commented 8 years ago

+1 Keep up the good work Synergy is still awesome for everything else! I just use a second mouse attached to the windows client when gaming (while using the host linux keyboard) and it works but a fix for that high sensitivity when using the host mouse on the client would be great.

nutron commented 8 years ago

Funny. One of the reasons I don't want to use this software, and/or send a patch is the constant whining about getting money for all their hard work. Now that people have paid for this, this is the kind of "excellent" support they get.

Fix this bug or stop making people pay for a broken pos.

andenix commented 8 years ago

So far the software is excellent. I gladly paid the small fee they asked for because its very hard to find a software with similar features.

In my opinion it only has a few minor but annoying glitches:

1) Mouse scene control in all 3d application is broken. I don't know why people keep mentioning World of Warcraft when in reality the glitch manifests anywhere where accelerated 3d rendering of scene is involved be it games or CAD software.

2) Windows right edge detection at hight DPI settings works incorrectly making the jump to the next desktop if positioned only at the half of the screen. The fix isn't really hard. All there is to do is to announce that the application is high DPI aware (through user32.dll SetProcessDPIAware call) and get user true resolution through:

#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")
// use GetSystemMetrics to get real resolution that user has

Becasue of this bug I have to use key combinations to switch between desktops.

3) If the machine that is configured as a server has more than 1 keyboard layout, a client would always use the server's layout regardless of the layout selected at the client os. This bug manifests with Windows 7 acting as a server with all clients supported by Synergy. I tested it on: Windows 7_64 , MacOs El Commandore, and Ubuntu 15 (64bits) acting as clients.

PS: I fully understand the developers need for financing in order to continue to work on the project. However its frustrating that these minor bugs are present for about 4-5 years, majorly spoiling overall performance of this otherwise brilliant piece of software .

qmlowery commented 8 years ago

Has this bug made any progress lately? This is the bug that makes synergy completely useless to me. As long as Synergy is installed on my machine my experience is plagued with this bug. While it wouldn't be ideal to have to quit synergy every time I wanted to play a game, it's something else entirely to uninstall and reinstall every time instead. Given that this bug is the reason many people can't even have synergy installed, please look into this bug.

andenix commented 8 years ago

If that only happens to your synergy-server machine you can restart the service (without turning it off) to prevent such mouse behavior. However restarting client's Synergy won't fix the bug on a client side. So no, the bug hasn't been resolved so far.

epatpol commented 8 years ago

Yes, my setup consists of a main Linux server with a Windows client used for playing games, but any 3D game is unplayable with the server mouse because of that bug. Keyboard is fine though, but I need two mice on my mousepad to play video games. I have to switch from the two mice when using 3D applications (games, Unity editor, etc.).

If the bug cannot be resolvable (due to OS issues or something), it would be nice to have some information about the state of that bug. I mean, it's been around for so long, surely the devs must be aware of it and the problems that might arise by trying to fix it.

Thank you

ghost commented 8 years ago

At this point I'm just wondering if the Dev is alive On Mar 23, 2016 3:08 PM, "Patrick-Jeffrey Pollo Guilbert" <> wrote:

Yes, my setup consists of a main Linux server with a Windows client used for playing games, but any 3D game is unplayable with the server mouse because of that bug. Keyboard is fine though, but I need two mice on my mousepad to play video games. I have to switch from the two mice when using 3D applications (games, Unity editor, etc.).

If the bug cannot be resolvable (due to OS issues or something), it would be nice to have some information about the state of that bug. I mean, it's been around for so long, surely the devs must be aware of it and the problems that might arise by trying to fix it.

Thank you

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andenix commented 8 years ago

Considering the age of this bug I don't suppose so. We might try to push some fix for that though.

epatpol commented 8 years ago

I'm not a good c/c++ dev but if anyone wants to fork/PR I'm fully willing to test!

nutron commented 8 years ago

To be honest, I'd rather fork over $40 for a hardware solution at this point. A usb sharing switch would work better than waiting 5 years for a response. I'm sorry but if you charge for software, you'd better support it.

If there's enough interest in forking it, I'd be interested in contributing and testing. Otherwise I think I will consider this software abandoned (even if they just keep putting out maintenance releases). Such a massive bug that has been unattended for so long pretty much answers anyone's questions to whether this software is viable.

andenix commented 8 years ago

I agree with your point nutron, but the software is there and it seems to be open source. I think I shall give it a try to submit a fix. Not sure if I will succeed though because the nature of the bug eludes me. But a hardware solution would be good and I think they do exist.

nutron commented 8 years ago

I'm normally not a sour grapes kind of person, but the insistence of charging to download this GPL program and basically putting it behind a paywall irritates me to no end. It is not in the spirit of open source and automatically (in my mind) requires them to expend those funds and resources on fixing their broken program.

Aside from ideology, there is obviously no effort on attempting to repair this deficiency and they're either waiting for the community to fix it for them or they just simply like collecting their fees and don't care.

Either way, I sure as heck am not going to help.

bqv commented 8 years ago

I agree with nutron, this sort of thing is just not acceptable, and I think the best course of action is someone with more sense to fork it and continue the work, rather than supporting this (presumably AWOL) developer

andenix commented 8 years ago

The absence of comment from the developer isn't very nice. Sometime this software manifests similar behaviour even at the Server machine by the way, though it goes away after a manual service restart.

andenix commented 8 years ago

Perhaps there is a need for a new ticket.

qmlowery commented 8 years ago

It bothers me that this was listed as priority-soon over a year ago and now we're dealing with a silent dev on the issue.

andenix commented 8 years ago

Perhaps the issue has no simple resolution. I quite frankly can't conjure any reasons behind why the mouse would move absolutely normally unless the button is pressed. Perhaps it sends wrong deltas, rather from a server than using actual client ones.

impala454 commented 8 years ago

Long time Synergy user and was tearing my hair out trying to figure out why my World of Warcraft install's mouse move was acting up. Synergy is 100% the issue. I disable that service and the problem is resolved. 1.7.6. It would be nice to get at least a comment from one of the developers.

jnor commented 8 years ago

same issue here, need fix badly

nlyan commented 8 years ago

Hi folks

I have just joined Symless. I can assure you that Jerry, the lead dev on Synergy, has not been ignoring your issues. Symless is a small company which cares about the quality of its software. As such, Jerry has been busy for many months helping find candidates to join the team. Happily, I will now be working with him, and together we will hopefully be able to either cull or fix many of the open issues.

I am currently not too familiar with the history of this particular problem, or the technical issues afoot, but I wanted to reassure you that you are not being ignored and I will be bringing it up in discussion next week.

In the meantime, I would ask anyone having productive feedback or insight into this issue to continue to comment here, and to please not open new tickets unless the problem is distinct.

jnor commented 8 years ago

Currently I use a hotkey that toggle mouse to use one screen or the other. When I lock mouse to the gaming screen it works fine. FYI guys.

Oh, and WELCOME NLYAN! Sounds awesome.

arter97 commented 8 years ago

I bought Synergy just now and this issue is a deal breaker for me. I find it quite funny that it still haven't been solved in 13 days, which apparently was the last date which developer has replied.

Steam In-Home Game Streaming handles this perfectly. Please fix this issue.

andenix commented 8 years ago

I don't mean to intrude but I am pretty sure it has not been solved in like 4 years by now. Which is worse sometimes it even manifests at the server machine (until you restart the service). It very unfortunate that because of this bug I couldn't use CAD program on my workstation via Synergy.

bmjones66 commented 8 years ago

Reading this entire page is a roller coaster. I just now bought Synergy with the specific purpose of controlling CS:GO on the second computer with it. It of course did not work, and now I find out the only thing that did use to work(relative, legacy mode) is no longer in the software. Scroll lock does not work for me.

The second computer is 50' away so hardware solutions are pretty much out. Waste of money atm.