symmetryinvestments / imap-d

D library for IMAP (JMAP is a work-in-progress but the basics work)
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Remove SIL configs from dub.sdl. #85

Open otrho opened 3 years ago

otrho commented 3 years ago

Having the SIL registration code in this repo introduces dependencies on sil-lang which are marked as optional in dub.sdl because there's a dub bug or something if they're not.

Ideally we should remove all the SIL stuff from here and keep it as just an IMAP D library and the SIL stuff can go in a dedicated plugin library hosted elsewhere which depends on this one.

Laeeth commented 9 months ago

Symmetry is welcome to remove the JMAP functionality but if it does so then I will have to fork it and put it up on with JMAP and there will then be two forks with duplicated code, which I don't think is ideal.

I think it would be better either to open source Variable or to modify the code so it doesn't depend on Variable and you have an adaptor in the plugin.