symmetryinvestments / imap-d

D library for IMAP (JMAP is a work-in-progress but the basics work)
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dlang imap imap-client jmap

Build Status Build status Coverage

IMAP for D / SIL and JMAP for SIL

Status - usable alpha

I am starting to use this daily, but there are probably many bugs - please file issues. PRs welcomed.

IMAP Features that should work (ones without a check may work but be more awkward to use)

JMAP Features that should work (ones without a check may work but have not yet been tested)

Heavily inspired by imapfilter.


Features to add

Example use

import imap;

int main(string[] args) {
    import std.conv : to;
    import std.stdio : writeln, stderr;
    import std.range : back;
    import std.process : environment;
    import std.string : join;
    import std.datetime : Date;

    if (args.length != 4) {
        stderr.writeln("imap-example <server> <port> <mailbox>");
        return -1;

    // user is set in IMAP_USER environmental variable
    // password is set in IMAP_PASS environmental variable

    auto user = environment.get("IMAP_USER", "");
    auto pass = environment.get("IMAP_PASS", "");

    if (user.length == 0 || pass.length == 0) {
        stderr.writeln("IMAP_USER and IMAP_PASS environment variables must be set.");
        return -1;

    auto server = args[1];
    auto port = args[2];
    auto mailbox = args[3];

    auto login = ImapLogin(user, pass);
    auto imapServer = ImapServer(server, port);

    auto session = new Session(imapServer, login);
    session.sslProtocol = ProtocolSSL.ssl3;
    session.options.debugMode = true;
    session = session.openConnection;
    session = session.login();

    // Select Inbox
    auto INBOX = new Mailbox(session, mailbox);
    auto result =;

    // search all messages since 29 Jan 2019 and get UIDs using raw query interface
    auto searchResult ="SINCE 29-Jan-2019");
    writeln("--- Raw 'SINCE 29-Jan-2019' search results:");
    writeln("--- Search result IDs: ", searchResult.ids);

    // search all messages from GitHub since 29 Jan 2019 and get UIDs using high level query interface
    auto query = new SearchQuery()
        .and(DateTerm(DateTerm.When.Since, Date(2019, 1, 29)))
        .and(FieldTerm(FieldTerm.Field.From, "GitHub"));
    searchResult =!string);
    writeln("--- Structured 'since:Date(2019,1,29),fromContains:\"GitHub\"' search results:");

    // fetch one of the messages from above
    if (searchResult.ids.length > 0) {
        auto exampleId =!string;
        auto messageResult = session.fetchText(exampleId);
        writeln("--- Message text for ID ", exampleId, ":");

        // just fetch the fields we care about
        auto relevantFields = ["FROM", "TO"];
        auto fieldsResult = session.fetchFields(exampleId, relevantFields.join(" "));
        writeln("--- Message 'from' and 'to' fields for ID ", exampleId, ":");
    return 0;