An implementation of the Jupyter wire protocol in D. This depends on ZeroMQ so the relevant development library (zmq.dll,, ...) will have to be installed on the system for this to link.
This library was written so that any backend written in or callable by D can be a jupyter kernel. A backend must be a D type that satisfies the following compile-time interface:
import jupyter.wire.kernel: LanguageInfo, ExecutionResult;
LanguageInfo info = T.init.languageInfo;
ExecutionResult result = T.init.execute("foo");
For a backend type that doesn't require initialisation, the following code is sufficient:
struct MyBackend {
enum languageInfo = LanguageInfo(/*...*/);
ExecutionResult execute(in string code) {
// ...
import jupyter.wire.kernel: Main;
mixin Main!MyBackend;
Otherwise, initialise as necessary and call
import jupyter.wire.kernel: kernel;
auto k = kernel(backend, connectionFileName);;
Set the environment variables ZMQ_DIR_32
and/or ZMQ_DIR_64
for where to find the zmq.lib
when building. Remember to copy the revelant .dll to the executable path.
To return text output, use the textResult
helper function:
return textResult("this is the output", Stdout("This is stdout side-effect"));
Similarly for markdown output:
return markdownResult("# This is a header");
In both cases the Stdout
parameter is optional.