symphonyoss / ContainerJS

ContainerJS provides an abstraction layer over multiple HTML5 containers (OpenFin, Electron, Browser), that follows the Symphony Desktop APIs
Apache License 2.0
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Build Status Build Status Symphony Software Foundation - Incubating Gitter

Please visit the ContainerJS website for information on getting started, and end-user API documentation.


This project is a mono-repo, i.e. multiple distinct projects within the same Git repository. This project uses Lerna to manage the dependencies between these projects and their release process.

To get started, run the following from the project root:

npm install
npm run build

This will install Lerna and run lerna bootstrap, which runs npm install on all the sub-projects, and links any cross dependencies.

If you want to see ContainerJS in action, the api-demo project has a fully-featured demo that can be run against various containers.

The ContainerJS repo contains the following:

Website Development

The website can be found in the docs folder. It is a Jekyll site, which is hosted via GitHub. The API documentation is generated from the TypeScript interfaces within the api-specification package. To run this build execute the following:

npm run docs

View the Documentation locally

Install Ruby

Install Jekyll:

gem install jekyll

Run Jekyll from within the docs folder:

cd docs
jekyll serve

Tests in Documentation

The documentation also contains the results of the last test runs. To include the test output in the docs:

Within the api-test package,

npm run test:ci

this will run the tests for the browser, electron, and OpenFin, and put the results into the api-tests\coverage folder.

Next run

npm run report

This will generate the test files into the api-specification package. Now the test results will be built into the documentation with:

npm run docs

inside the api-specification package.


To prepare for a release, you will need a fresh clone of the master branch of symphonyoss/ContainerJS.

The release process itself is handled by lerna, using the independent versioning setting.

To build the packages in preparation for release:

npm install
npm run build

To actually release the packages to npm, you need an npm account that's a collaborator on the containerjs packages, logged into npm on the command line:

npm login

If you want to test the packages locally, before publishing, you can npm pack them, then npm install into a project from the resulting archive file.

To start the release process, run:

npm run publish

and follow the instructions. This will publish each version to npm, and then create a commit with the commit message "Publish", tagged with each version that has been published. This commit needs to be pushed directly to master, as this combination of commit and tags underpins lerna's release process.

Check that the packages are showing correctly on npm, then push this commit and tags:

git push <remote> --tags

Note that this is a direct commit to master, not a PR. This is necessary for two reasons. Firstly because lerna relies on the tags that it generates to be reachable from master. As tags are not transferred by a PR, this leaves orphaned tags that cause lerna to fail. Secondly, by the time the commit has been made, the packages have already been published to npm, so a PR holds no real value, and can actually cause more problems with the release if it isn't merged in a timely manner. master is currently protected, so as a workaround it requires temporarily removing the admin restriction on pushing to allow a git push of the commit.