sympy / live

SymPy Live Shell based on the JupyterLite and Pyodide
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jupyterlite math python sympy

JupyterLite Shell for Sympy Live

This repo contains the JupyterLite config files used by the new SymPy Live. The code is deployed as a static site to GitHub Pages.

✨ Try it in your browser ✨

Alternative URLs:


JupyterLite is being tested against modern web browsers:


See Developer instructions below for installing the prerequisites.

Run jupyter lite locally:

jupyter lite serve

Build ready for distribution via static serve:

jupyter lite build

The files will be saved in _output/.

You can test the files using any static server, for example:

cd _output/
python -m http.server


The operation of JupyterLite can be configured in several places:

Further Information and Updates

For more info, keep an eye on the JupyterLite documentation:

Deploy a new version of JupyterLite

To change the version of the prebuilt JupyterLite assets, update the jupyterlite package version in the requirements.txt file.

The requirements.txt file can also be used to add extra prebuilt ("federated") JupyterLab extensions to the deployed JupyterLite website.

Commit and push any changes. The site will be deployed on the next push to the main branch.


  1. Create a new conda environment using virualenv or conda.
  2. Install Python requirements:
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. You can now run jupyter lite commands like check, build, serve, etc.