synadia-labs / natster

Natster - A peer-to-multipeer media sharing application built with nothing but NATS
Apache License 2.0
38 stars 6 forks source link

Connect your media

Natster leverages Synadia Cloud’s global reach and NATS connectivity to create a secure, peer-to-multipeer media sharing ecosystem: all without uploading anything to the cloud or opening a single firewall port. Core pieces of the Natster application wouldn't be possible w/out NATS, and aspects of this architecture saved us weeks, if not months, of development time simply by leveraging features that come with NATS out of the box.

Many media sharing applications require you to upload your files to their servers, and you have to take their word for it that they won't peek at your files. Natster shows how to build applications where your data stays with you, and is never stored centrally. When you exchange media with a friend, it's done directly across a secure import, and it's encrypted with single-use keys that Synadia can't see.

Natster isn't just a media sharing application, it's an example of how to build modern, distributed, secure, decentralized applications using nothing but NATS.

Natster Features

The following is a list of the features that make Natster both powerful and unique:

For more detailed information, please check out the documentation at