synapse-alpha / mirror-neuron

Experiments on bittensor reward models to find exploits
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Mirror Neuron

Creates tracked experiments on bittensor text prompting models to analyze behaviour and find exploits.

The goal of this repo is to enable systematic study of the interaction between components of the network and their effect on network performance.

Shows an illustrated sun in light mode and a moon with stars in dark mode.

An experiment contains 4 steps:

  1. Model: Define model (at present this must be a text prompting validator neuron)
  2. Data: Define data to query the model
  3. Query: Query the model and generate response data
  4. Analysis: Analyze the response data

The custom Neuron model has following controllable components:

  1. Dendrite Pool is replaced with DummyDendritePool which imitates the behaviour of the miners
  2. Gating Model can be replaced with baseline models such as RandomGatingModel, ConstantGatingModel or more complex implementations (TBD)
  3. Reward Model can also be replaced with baseline models such as RandomRewardModel, ConstantRewardModel or more complex implementations (TBD)

The custom Neuron instance has a modified entrypoint __init__ function, but it can be interfaced with using the same API as bittensor in order to examine the behaviour of the system (.forward(), .train(), .inference()) in the query step of an experiment.

Note: This repo explicitly copies and modifies the source code of all files in neurons/text/prompting/validator/core/ so that they are more configurable for experimentation purposes. It would be ideal if a future version of bittensor reflects a similarly configurable API so that no source code needs to be copied into this repo.


Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv ~/.mirror

Source virtual environment

source ~/.mirror/bin/activate

Install bittensor

git clone -b text_prompting --single-branch
cd bittensor
python -m pip install .
cd ..

Install mirror_neuron dependencies

git clone
cd mirror_neuron
pip install -r requirements.txt

Requires bittensor==4.0.0

pip list | grep bittensor

Login to weights and biases

wandb login


Each run requires a yaml config file to define the experiment and track results using weights and biases

To run an experiment:

python3 main --config <file_name>

To test locally (and not spam wandb)

python3 main --config <file_name> --offline

Example Usage

Start with the dummy configuration to ensure everything works smoothly.

python3 main --config dummy_config.yml

Also the code performance can be profiled using pyinstrument by passing an additional command line argument

python3 main --config dummy_config.yml --profile

Available models

Model Type Available Models
Reward models BaseRewardModel, DummyRewardModel, ConstantRewardModel, RandomRewardModel, CustomRewardModel, HuggingFaceRewardModel
Gating models BaseGatingModel, LongestMessageGatingModel, RandomGatingModel, ConstantGatingModel, MaskedGatingModel, SequentialGatingModel, HuggingFaceGatingModel
Dendrite pools DummyDendritePool
Metagraphs BaseMetagraph, DummyMetagraph, Metagraph
Subtensors BaseSubtensor, DummySubtensor, Subtensor

Gating Models

Class Name Description
BaseGatingModel An abstract base class for gating models. It defines the basic structure and methods required for gating models. (Don't use this, but you can extend it)
LongestMessageGatingModel A gating model that assigns scores based on the length of the messages. It gives ones for the longest 'n' messages and zeros for the rest.
RandomGatingModel A gating model that assigns random scores to each neuron in the network using a specified distribution.
ConstantGatingModel A gating model that assigns a constant score to each neuron in the network.
MaskedGatingModel A gating model that applies a masking mechanism to filter the scores based on a specified mask.
SequentialGatingModel A gating model that sequentially processes input messages using an embedding layer and LSTM layers to generate scores for each neuron.
HuggingFaceGatingModel A gating model that uses a pre-trained Hugging Face language model for encoding messages and generating scores for each neuron.

Reward Models

Class Name Description
BaseRewardModel An abstract base class for reward models. It defines the basic structure and methods required for reward models. (Don't use this, but you can extend it)
DummyRewardModel A reward model that assigns constant values or specific types of rewards to completions based on different criteria such as question length, longest word, or number of words.
ConstantRewardModel A reward model that assigns a constant score to completions without considering their content.
RandomRewardModel A reward model that assigns random scores to completions using a specified distribution. The scores can be constant or varying.
CustomRewardModel A custom reward model that can be defined and customized with specific attributes and functionality based on user requirements.
HuggingFaceRewardModel A reward model that uses a pre-trained Hugging Face language model for encoding and generating rewards based on completions. It leverages the transformer architecture for language understanding.

Dendrite Pools

Class Name Description
DummyDendritePool A class that imitates the behavior of the miner network. It extends MetagraphMixin and torch.nn.Module. It loads a dataset, stores questions and answers from the dataset, and provides a method for applying the RPC logic. It returns random data from the dataset instead of querying the network.


Class Name Description
BaseMetagraph An abstract base class for metagraphs. It defines the basic structure and methods required for metagraphs.
DummyMetagraph A dummy implementation of the metagraph class. It provides methods for syncing and retrieving information about the metagraph.
Metagraph A subclass of the metagraph class that extends its functionality. It adds a history queue to keep track of changes in the metagraph.


Class Name Description
BaseSubtensor An abstract base class for subtensors. It defines the basic structure and methods required for subtensors.
DummySubtensor A dummy implementation of the subtensor class. It provides methods for retrieving delegated information, setting weights, and accessing the metagraph and configuration.
Subtensor A subclass of the subtensor class that extends its functionality. It provides additional methods specific to the Bittensor network.

Config File

An experiment consists of several steps which are all defined in the config file. An experiment may be run on a single step or a subset of steps.

  1. Load model
  2. Load data
  3. Query model
  4. Analyze responses

Load Model

The model is defined in the config file in the following way:

    id: my_model
      name: DummyDendritePool
        fail_rate: 0.1
        data_path: nq_open
      name: RandomGatingModel
        frozen: True
        seed: 0
        distribution: uniform
      name: RandomRewardModel
        forward_value: 1
        backward_value: 0
    alpha: 0.01

Load Data

The data is defined in the config file in the following way:

    id: my_data
    path: nq_open
        - row:
          question: question
          answer: answer
      method: first
      n: 100

Query Model

The query is defined in the config file in the following way:

    id: my_query
    chunk_size: 1
      # name: forward
      name: train
        max_iter: 10
      - hotkeys
      - block

Analyze Responses

The analysis is defined in the config file in the following way:

    id: my_analysis
      - my_query
      - question_length
      - num_words
      - avg_word_length
        - question_length
        - num_words
        - avg_word_length
        - question_length
        - num_words
        - avg_word_length