synopse / mORMot

Synopse mORMot 1 ORM/SOA/MVC framework - Please upgrade to mORMot 2 !
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Fatal Error (Exception External:?) after second exception in Interfaced based Services #432

Open wanderlan opened 2 years ago

wanderlan commented 2 years ago

Scenario: Windows 10, 64 bit Lazarus 2.2.2, 64 bit Freepascal 3.2.2 Sample 14 - Interfaced based services

In Project14ServerHttp.dpr Change the method 'Add' by inserting an exception: function TServiceCalculator.Add(n1, n2: integer): integer; begin result := n1+n2; raise Exception.Create('Test'); // <<< insert this exception end;

In browser type: http://localhost:8888/root/calculator/add?n1=1&n2=2 The first execution is ok, the exception is showed correctly but execute again... the server goes down with the message... >>> Fatal error, External Exception: ?

wanderlan commented 2 years ago

I tracked the bug, it seems occurs in the CallMethod assembly code (starting at line 57968 in mormot.pas)