synopse / mORMot

Synopse mORMot 1 ORM/SOA/MVC framework - Please upgrade to mORMot 2 !
785 stars 323 forks source link
compression-library crypto-library delphi delphinuspackage fpc mongodb-driver mormot mustache mvc mysql opensource-library oracle orm pascal pdf-generation postgresql soa spidermonkey-engine sqlite3 webapp

Synopse mORMot 1 Framework

An Open Source Client-Server ORM/SOA framework (c) 2008-2024 Synopse Informatique


This repository is now in "frozen/maintenance" mode. Only SQLite3 static binaries and important bug fixes will be included in the future.

Please consider using for any new or maintainable project.

Contributors Alan Chate Alexander (sha) Alexander (volax) AlexPirate Alfred Glaenzer (alf) Andre Heider (dhewg) Antoine Simard (AntoineGS) Arnaud Bouchez ASiwon Aweste Bas Schouten BigStar BugsDigger Cheemeng CoMPi Damien (ddemars) Darian Miller Daniel Kuettner David Mead (MDW) Delphinium (louisyeow) DigDiver Dominikcz EgorovAlex Emanuele (lele9) Eric Grange Esmond Esteban Martin (EMartin) Eugene Ilyin Eva Freimann (EVaF) FeelAirSlow F-Vicente Goran Despalatovic (gigo) Jean-Baptiste Roussia (jbroussia) Joe (jokusoft) Johan Bontes Jordi Tudela Kevin Chen Lagodny Leon Oosthuizen Macc2010 Maciej Izak (hnb) Marcos Douglas B. Santos (mdbs99) Mario Moretti Marius Maximus (mariuszekpl) Martin Eckes Martin Suer Mapes Matkov Maxim Masiutin Mazinsw MChaos Miab3 Michael (EgonHugeist) Michalis Kamburelis MilesYou Mingda Mr Yang (ysair) Nicolas Marchand (MC) Nortg Nzsolt Oleg Tretyakov Ondrej (reddwarf) Pavel Mashlyakovskii (mpv) Pierre le Riche RalfS Richard6688 Rik (rvk) Sabbiolina Sanyin Sinisa (sinisav) Sllimr7139 SSoftPro Stefan (itSDS) Svetozar Belic (transmogrifix) Transmogrifix Uian2000 Vaclav Vadim Orel Willo vd Merwe Win2014 Wloochacz Wolfgang Ehrhardt Yoanq Ysair Zed

[See below if you upgrade from 1.17 revision]

Synopse mORMot is an Open Source Client-Server ORM SOA MVC framework for Delphi 6 up to the latest Delphi and FPC revisions, targeting Windows/Linux for servers, and any platform for clients (including mobile or AJAX).

The main features of mORMot are therefore:

With local or remote access, via an auto-configuring Client-Server REST design.

Due to its modular design, switch from a Client-Server architecture over HTTP, named pipes or GDI messages into a stand-alone application is just a matter of mORMot classes initialization. For instance, the very same executable can even be running stand-alone, as a server, as a service, or a client, depending on some run-time parameters!

Emphasizing simplicity, speed and versatility, mORMot is a incredibly well documented Open Source project easy enough to add basic ORM or Client-Server features to simple applications for hobbyists, or let experienced users develop scaling and strong service-based projects for their customers, with the advantages of native code and easy-to-deploy solutions, reducing deployment cost and increasing ROI.

It provides an Open Source self-sufficient set of units (even Delphi starter edition is enough) for creating any application, from a stand-alone solution up to the most complex Domain-Driven Design (DDD):

With mORMot, ORM/ODM is not used only for data persistence of objects (like in other implementations), but as part of a global n-Tier, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), ready to implement Domain-Driven solutions. This framework is not an ORM on which a transmission layer has been added, like almost everything existing in Delphi, C# or Java: this is a full Client-Server ORM/SOA from the ground up. This really makes the difference.

The business logic of your applications will be easily exposed as Services, and will be accessible from light clients (written in Delphi or any other mean, including AJAX). The SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine has been integrated on the server side and can be used to define business rules or any process (including MVC web rendering) - just like node.js, but with a multi-threaded core, and the full power of our optimized Delphi libraries at hand.

The framework Core is non-visual: you will get everything you need in a consistent set of classes to be used from code. In order to let you focus on your business, using mORMot's KISS/DRY/SOC/YAGNI/TDD and Convention Over Configuration patterns. But you have also some UI units available (including screen auto-generation, reporting and ribbon GUI), and you can use it from any RAD, web, or AJAX clients (via JavaScript or Smart Mobile Studio).

No dependency is needed on the client side (no DB driver, or third-party runtime): it is able to connect via standard HTTP, even through a corporate proxy or a VPN. Rich Delphi clients can be deployed just by copying and running a stand-alone small executable, with no installation process. Stream can be encrypted via HTTS or with proven SHA/AES-256. Endpoints are configured automatically for each published interface on both server and client sides, and creating a load-balancing proxy is a matter of one method call. Speed and scalability has been implemented from the ground up: a genuine optimized multi-threaded core let a single server handle more than 50,000 concurrent clients, faster than DataSnap, WCF or node.js, and our rich SOA design is able to implement both vertical and horizontal scalable hosting, using recognized enterprise-level SQL or NoSQL databases for storage.

Even if mORMot will be more easily used in a project designed from scratch, it fits very well the purpose of evolving any existing Delphi project, or creating the server side part of an AJAX application.

Licensed under a disjunctive tri-license giving you the choice of one of the three following sets of free software/open source licensing terms:

Main project page:




How to get the source:

A forum is dedicated to support:

A blog is available:

Issues and feature requests can be posted (take a look at the forums and latest unstable version first!):

You can also monitor/fork our projects on GitHub:

You may also install it as a Delphinus package: Delphinus-Support

Don't forget to download the documentation (available online or as pdf files, created by our SynProject tool). In particular, you should take a look at all general introduction chapters of the SAD document. It will cover all key-concepts and code modelling used by the framework. A developer guide is included in this SAD document, in its 2nd part. You'll get good practice guidance, presentation of the ORM/SOA approach and other underlying concepts.

Feel free to contribute by posting enhancements and patches to this quickly evolving project.


Some units (e.g. SynPdf, SynGdiPlus, SynBigTable, SynCommons, SynCrypto, SynDB*, SynSQLite3, SynMongoDB, SynMustache, SynSM, mORMotReport) are used by mORMot, but do not require the whole framework to be linked. That is, you can use e.g. only PDF generation, SynDB fast database access, a static-linked SQLite3 engine, direct MongoDB access, Mustache templates, SpiderMonkey JavaSCript engine, code-generated reports, or the TDocVariant, TDynArray, TSynLog classes of SynCommons, without using the main mORMot units and features (ORM, Client-Server, services, UI).

Some of those units can even be compiled with Delphi 5 (e.g. SynPdf, SynDB).

Quick Steps when upgrading from a previous 1.17 revision:

1) Note that some units where renamed, and some breaking changes introduced by some enhanced features, therefore a direct update is not possible

2) Erase or rename your whole previous #\Lib directory

3) Download latest 1.18 revision files as stated just above

4) Change your references to mORMot units:

5) Consult the units headers about 1.18 for breaking changes, mainly: