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Postgresql boolean (t/f) JSON parsing #443

Closed WTM-Jarryd closed 1 year ago

WTM-Jarryd commented 1 year ago


This isn't so much of an issue, but rather an addition to the JSON parser for GetJSONFieldOrObjectOrArray (Ln 57200) and GetJSONField (Ln 56833).

I am using mORMot v1.18 (I don't have an exact build number, but I have compared against latest SynCommons file).

I was having difficulty handling boolean values returned from Postgresql 10.19. PG was returning booleans as t or f

The values were not wrapped in quotes in the JSON so they were not being handled as text.

I have modified my local SynCommons.pas to parse these t / f values the same way true / false are parsed. Apologies for the full method posts. I'm not sure how to submit it otherwise. The changes are near to the bottom sections of the methods. Comments start with // added

I hope this helps others with handling Postgresql integration.


```pascal // decode a JSON field into an UTF-8 encoded buffer, stored inplace of input buffer function GetJSONField(P: PUTF8Char; out PDest: PUTF8Char; wasString: PBoolean; EndOfObject: PUTF8Char; Len: PInteger): PUTF8Char; var D: PUTF8Char; c4,surrogate,j: integer; c: AnsiChar; b: byte; jsonset: PJsonCharSet; {$ifdef CPUX86NOTPIC} tab: TNormTableByte absolute ConvertHexToBin; {$else} tab: PNormTableByte; {$endif} label slash,num,lit; begin // see if wasString<>nil then wasString^ := false; // not a string by default if Len<>nil then Len^ := 0; // avoid buffer overflow on parsing error PDest := nil; // PDest=nil indicates parsing error (e.g. unexpected #0 end) result := nil; if P=nil then exit; if P^<=' ' then repeat inc(P); if P^=#0 then exit; until P^>' '; case P^ of '"': begin // " -> unescape P^ into D^ if wasString<>nil then wasString^ := true; inc(P); result := P; D := P; repeat c := P^; if c=#0 then exit else if c='"' then break else if c='\' then goto slash; inc(P); D^ := c; inc(D); continue; slash:inc(P); // unescape JSON string c := P^; if (c='"') or (c='\') then begin lit: inc(P); D^ := c; // most common case inc(D); continue; end else if c=#0 then exit else // to avoid potential buffer overflow issue on \#0 if c='b' then c := #8 else if c='t' then c := #9 else if c='n' then c := #10 else if c='f' then c := #12 else if c='r' then c := #13 else if c='u' then begin // inlined decoding of '\u0123' UTF-16 codepoint(s) into UTF-8 {$ifndef CPUX86NOTPIC}tab := @ConvertHexToBin;{$endif} c4 := tab[ord(P[1])]; if c4<=15 then begin b := tab[ord(P[2])]; if b<=15 then begin c4 := c4 shl 4; c4 := c4 or b; b := tab[ord(P[3])]; if b<=15 then begin c4 := c4 shl 4; c4 := c4 or b; b := tab[ord(P[4])]; if b<=15 then begin c4 := c4 shl 4; c4 := c4 or b; case c4 of 0: begin D^ := '?'; // \u0000 is an invalid value inc(D); end; 1..$7f: begin D^ := AnsiChar(c4); inc(D); end; $80..$7ff: begin D[0] := AnsiChar($C0 or (c4 shr 6)); D[1] := AnsiChar($80 or (c4 and $3F)); inc(D,2); end; UTF16_HISURROGATE_MIN..UTF16_LOSURROGATE_MAX: if PWord(P+5)^=ord('\')+ord('u') shl 8 then begin inc(P,6); // optimistic conversion (no check) surrogate := (ConvertHexToBin[ord(P[1])] shl 12)+ (ConvertHexToBin[ord(P[2])] shl 8)+ (ConvertHexToBin[ord(P[3])] shl 4)+ ConvertHexToBin[ord(P[4])]; case c4 of // inlined UTF16CharToUtf8() UTF16_HISURROGATE_MIN..UTF16_HISURROGATE_MAX: c4 := ((c4-$D7C0)shl 10)+(surrogate xor UTF16_LOSURROGATE_MIN); UTF16_LOSURROGATE_MIN..UTF16_LOSURROGATE_MAX: c4 := ((surrogate-$D7C0)shl 10)+(c4 xor UTF16_LOSURROGATE_MIN); end; case c4 of 0..$7ff: b := 2; $800..$ffff: b := 3; $10000..$1FFFFF: b := 4; $200000..$3FFFFFF: b := 5; else b := 6; end; for j := b-1 downto 1 do begin D[j] := AnsiChar((c4 and $3f)+$80); c4 := c4 shr 6; end; D^ := AnsiChar(Byte(c4) or UTF8_FIRSTBYTE[b]); inc(D,b); end else begin D^ := '?'; // unexpected surrogate without its pair inc(D); end; else begin D[0] := AnsiChar($E0 or (c4 shr 12)); D[1] := AnsiChar($80 or ((c4 shr 6) and $3F)); D[2] := AnsiChar($80 or (c4 and $3F)); inc(D,3); end; end; inc(P,5); continue; end; end; end; end; c := '?'; // bad formated hexa number -> '?0123' end; goto lit; until false; // here P^='"' D^ := #0; // make zero-terminated if Len<>nil then Len^ := D-result; inc(P); if P^=#0 then exit; end; '0': if P[1] in ['0'..'9'] then // 0123 excluded by JSON! exit else // leave PDest=nil for unexpected end goto num;// may be 0.123 '-','1'..'9': begin // numerical field: all chars before end of field num:result := P; jsonset := @JSON_CHARS; repeat if not (jcDigitFloatChar in jsonset[P^]) then break; inc(P); until false; if P^=#0 then exit; if Len<>nil then Len^ := P-result; if P^<=' ' then begin P^ := #0; // force numerical field with no trailing ' ' inc(P); end; end; 'n': if (PInteger(P)^=NULL_LOW) and (jcEndOfJSONValueField in JSON_CHARS[P[4]]) then begin result := nil; // null -> returns nil and wasString=false if Len<>nil then Len^ := 0; // when result is converted to string inc(P,4); end else exit; 'f': if (PInteger(P+1)^=FALSE_LOW2) and (jcEndOfJSONValueField in JSON_CHARS[P[5]]) then begin result := P; // false -> returns 'false' and wasString=false if Len<>nil then Len^ := 5; inc(P,5); end else if (jcEndOfJSONValueField in JSON_CHARS[P[1]]) then begin // added parsing for singular unquoted 'f' boolean value Result := P; if Len<>nil then Len^ := 1; inc(P, 1); end else exit; 't': if (PInteger(P)^=TRUE_LOW) and (jcEndOfJSONValueField in JSON_CHARS[P[4]]) then begin result := P; // true -> returns 'true' and wasString=false if Len<>nil then Len^ := 4; inc(P,4); end else if (jcEndOfJSONValueField in JSON_CHARS[P[1]]) then begin // added parsing for singular unquoted 't' boolean value Result := P; if Len<>nil then Len^ := 1; inc(P, 1); end else exit; else exit; // PDest=nil to indicate error end; jsonset := @JSON_CHARS; while not (jcEndOfJSONField in jsonset[P^]) do begin if P^=#0 then exit; // leave PDest=nil for unexpected end inc(P); end; if EndOfObject<>nil then EndOfObject^ := P^; P^ := #0; // make zero-terminated PDest := @P[1]; if P[1]=#0 then PDest := nil; end; ```


```pascal function GetJSONFieldOrObjectOrArray(var P: PUTF8Char; wasString: PBoolean; EndOfObject: PUTF8Char; HandleValuesAsObjectOrArray: Boolean; NormalizeBoolean: Boolean; Len: PInteger): PUTF8Char; var Value: PUTF8Char; wStr: boolean; begin result := nil; if P=nil then exit; while ord(P^) in [1..32] do inc(P); if HandleValuesAsObjectOrArray and (P^ in ['{','[']) then begin Value := P; P := GotoNextJSONObjectOrArray(P); if P=nil then exit; // invalid content if Len<>nil then Len^ := P-Value; if wasString<>nil then wasString^ := false; // was object or array while ord(P^) in [1..32] do inc(P); if EndOfObject<>nil then EndOfObject^ := P^; P^ := #0; // make zero-terminated if P[1]=#0 then P := nil else inc(P); result := Value; end else begin result := GetJSONField(P,P,@wStr,EndOfObject,Len); if wasString<>nil then wasString^ := wStr; if not wStr and NormalizeBoolean and (result<>nil) then begin if (PInteger(result)^=TRUE_LOW) or (result^='t') then // added check for 't' char boolean normalisation result := pointer(SmallUInt32UTF8[1]) else // normalize true -> 1 if (PInteger(result)^=FALSE_LOW) or (result^='f') then // added check for 'f' char boolean normalisation result := pointer(SmallUInt32UTF8[0]) else // normalize false -> 0 exit; if Len<>nil then Len^ := 1; end; end; end; ```
synopse commented 1 year ago

IMHO this is not the way to fix the problem. t and f are no valid JSON values. The fix should be not in the JSON parsing, but in the JSON emitting.

How is the JSON generated from PostgreSQL?

Please use the forum for discussion on this subject. I will close this issue by now.