sysstas / ccback

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Steps to install, setup and run app on local machine

This app consist of two parts: frontend and backend (this part).

To run app you need to run both parts.

It'll be explained how to setup and run backend part further. You can find guide on frontend setup [here]().

Setting up the app backend on Local machine:

First of all you need to clone repo:

git clone

Now install all packages

npm install

Installation process is finished now you need to setup.

First of all you need to have running mysql database. It could be remote DB, but for development purposes it is better to have local DB. To run db locally you can use MySQL Community Server or use Docker, or any suitable way you like.

So, when you set up an run database instance you need to fill .env file.

In this repo you can find .env-example file. You need to rename it to .env. After fill in it with your mysql credentials, following by tips in .evn file.

Also you can specify variable PORT in .env file if you want it to be different from default (5000). For example for port 3000 you should write in .env


Ok, now, when db is up and running, you can test your backend. Just type in terminal

    npm start

If everything correctly setup console output will be like

    [nodemon] 1.18.5
    [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
    [nodemon] watching: *.*
    [nodemon] starting `node ./index.js`
    info: CONNECTED TO mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/ccdbdev
    info: Node app is running on port 5000
    info: Connection has been established successfully


Now it's time to run migrations on your db.

For successful run of migration yor need to configure config\config.json file. You can find configuration example in config\config-example.json. After configuring open terminal locate to ccback folder and execute following

     sequelize db:migrate

If migrations run without errors you can check new db structure. It should be like



To fill db prepared with migrations you need to run seeds

    sequelize db:seed:all

This command will fill db with demo data.

Configuring necessary third party services

Authentication and authorization

Authentication completely delegated to Auth0. So you need to register profile on Auth0, create app and setup app. You'll be given a tenant. You need to write this tenant into .env file.


Ok, now your backend is configured for Auth0, but you need to add 2 rules on Auth0. First rule. It sync accounts and permission of users accounts. All users stored in Auth0, but actual permission - e.i. isAdmin stores on backend side. You need this rule to sync information on your backend and Auth0 server.

Rule 1:

    function (user, context, callback) {
      user.app_metadata = user.app_metadata || {};
      if (context.request.query.redirect_uri === 'http://localhost:4200/callback') {
        const ngrokUrl = configuration.ngrokUrl;{
          url: `${ngrokUrl}/login/auth0hook`,
          json: {
            user: user,
            secretToken: configuration.YOURWEBSITE_SECRET_TOKEN,
          timeout: 15000
        }, (err, response, body) => {
          if (err) return callback(new Error(err));
          if (!body.isAdmin) return callback(null, user, context);
          user.app_metadata = user.app_metadata || {};
          user.app_metadata.isAdmin = body.isAdmin;
          auth0.users.updateAppMetadata(user.user_id, user.app_metadata)
              callback(null, user, context);

Copy and paste this to rule on Auth0. Also you need to set ngrokUrl variable. You need to make a bridge from your localhost:5000 to Auth0 server. [ngrok]() can help you. Install ngrok, run it and type (you can specify different port)

    ngrok http localhost:5000

then copy given url and paste it into ngrokUrl variable on Auth0 right below rules.

Warning! url provided to you by ngrock will be valid for a couple hours. So you need to refresh it time over time (or move your backend to static ip address)

Adding rule number 2

Rule 2:

    function (user, context, callback) {
      const namespace = 'http://';
      context.idToken[namespace + 'isAdmin/'] = user.app_metadata.isAdmin.isAdmin;
      callback(null, user, context);

this rule adds isAdmin field to JWT IdToken which Auth0 send to frontend. isAdmin field is used by backend to verify access to admin page and admin actions. For security purposes you can change isAdmin field only in your db manually.


As payment service PayPal was chosen. You need to configure it and your backend to be able to receive payments.
You need to create PayPal account (sandbox) and write into .env file another 3 variables

    PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=[your paypal client id]
    PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET=[your paypal client secret]

In paypal app configuration you need specify webhook for your backend - it will be bult upon ngrock url



At last you need to configure email service. Create Sendgrid account. Get API Key and write it into .env file

    SENDGRID_API_KEY="[your Sendgrid API Key]"


You finished app configuration. Now you need to install and run frontend part (if you didn't done this yet).