systelab / allure-reporter

Printable report generation for Allure
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Allure Reporter

Allure reporter will help you in the Test Case Automation strategy by generating Test Design and Test Run from the source code following a Test Case format, as well as JAMA Contour integration to report the executions. Allure is an open-source framework designed to create test execution reports that are clear to everyone in the team.

Supports Allure 1 (xml) and Allure 2 (json).

You can find the validated application deployed by Travis at The test environment is at

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the allure-reporter repository and install the dependencies:


You need git to clone the allure-reporter repository.

You will need Node.js and npm.

Clone allure-reporter

Clone the allure-reporter repository using git:

git clone
cd allure-reporter

Install Dependencies

To install the dependencies, execute:

npm install


To run the application, execute the following command:

ng serve


To generate the application, execute the following command:

ng build