syzer / distributed-calc-system

Distributed calculation system using JS-Spark, from AngelHack (hackaton)
1 stars 2 forks source link


Greenkeeper badge

Crowd computing!

How(Getting started)

Prerequisites: install Node.js, then: install grunt and bower,

sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g grunt
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g node-gyp

Running with UI

    git clone
    cd distributed-calc-system
    npm install
    grunt build
    grunt serve

To spam more light-weight clients:

    node client

Required to run UI

use jssparkui-dev
  user: "js-spark",
  pwd: "js-spark1",
  roles: [
    { role: "readWrite", db: "jssparkui-dev" }

Usage with npm

var core = require('jsSpark')({workers:8});
var jsSpark = core.jsSpark;

jsSpark([20, 30, 40, 50])
    // this is executed on client side
    .map(function addOne(num) {
        return num + 1;
    .reduce(function sumUp(sum, num) {
        return sum + num;
    .thru(function addString(num){
        return "It was a number but I will convert it to " + num; 
    .then(function(data) {
        // this is executed on back on server

Example NLP

This example shows how to use one of the Natural Language Processing tools called N-Gram in distributed manner using jsSpark:


To if you like to know more about the N-grams please read:


Client side heavy CPU computation(MapReduce)

task = jsSpark([20, 30, 40, 50])
    // this is executed on client side
    .map(function addOne(num) {
        return num + 1;
    .reduce(function sumUp(sum, num) {
        return sum + num;

Distributed version of lodash/underscore

    .add('sortBy', function _sortBy(el) {
        return Math.sin(el);
    .map(function multiplyBy2(el) {
        return el * 2;
    .filter(function remove5and10(el) {
        return el % 5 !== 0;
    // sum of  [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18 ] => 80
    .reduce(function sumUp(arr, el) {
        return arr + el;

Multiple retry and clients elections

If you run calculations via unknown clients is better to recalculate same tasks on different clients:

    .reduce(function sumUp(sum, num) {
        return sum + num;
    // how many times repeat calculations
    .run({times: 6})
    .then(function whenClientsFinished(data) {
        // may also get 2 most relevant answers
        console.log('Most clients believe that:');
        console.log('Total sum of numbers from 1 to 10 is:', data);
    .catch(function whenClientsArgue(reason) {
        console.log('Most clients could not agree, ', + reason.toString());

Combined usage with server side processing

task3 = task
    .then(function serverSideComputingOfData(data) {
        var basesNumber = data + 21;
        // All your 101 base are belong to us
        console.log('All your ' + basesNumber + ' base are belong to us');
        return basesNumber;
    .catch(function (reason) {
        console.log('Task could not compute ' + reason.toString());

More references

This project is about to reimplemented some nice things from the world of big data, so there are of course some nice resources you can use to dive into the topic:


npm test


Unhandled rejection TypeError: Object THIS IS NICCER RESPONSE 92 seriusly! has no method 'value'
    at first2MostCommon (/home/ubuntu/workspace/distributed-calc-system/private/src/server/service/taskManager.js:72:14)
    at checkMajority (/home/ubuntu/workspace/distributed-calc-system/private/src/server/service/taskManager.js:91:16)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)
From previous event:
    at Object.addTask (/home/ubuntu/workspace/distributed-calc-system/private/src/server/service/taskManager.js:51:14)
    at (/home/ubuntu/workspace/distributed-calc-system/private/src/server/service/jsSpark.js:96:32)
    at Object.calcWeather [as test] (/home/ubuntu/workspace/distributed-calc-system/private/src/server/algorithm/weather.js:28:14)
    at null.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/workspace/distributed-calc-system/private/src/server/app.js:68:17)
    at wrapper [as _onTimeout] (timers.js:261:14)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:112:15)