szepeviktor / fast-forward-youtube-ads

⏩ Bookmarklet for YouTube ads with two JavaScript function calls only
The Unlicense
4 stars 1 forks source link
ads advertisement bookmarklet fast-forward skip youtube

Bookmarklet to fast-forward YouTube ads

  1. Seek to the end
  2. Click the Skip ad button


Add a bookmark to your browser with the URL in the bookmarklet.url file. Set name to ⏩

Source code

var skipButton = document.querySelector("[id^=skip-button].ytp-skip-ad-button");
if (skipButton !== null) {;
} else {
    var video = document.querySelector("video.html5-main-video[src]");
    video.currentTime = video.duration - 1;
    video.playbackRate = 2;

Made with chriszarate/bookmarkleter