szhublox / ambw_comfyui

Auto-MBW for ComfyUI loosely based on sdweb-auto-MBW
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Auto-MBW for ComfyUI loosely based on sdweb-auto-MBW


This node "advanced > auto merge block weighted" takes two models, merges individual blocks together at various ratios, and automatically rates each merge, keeping the ratio with the highest score. Whether this is a good idea or not is anyone's guess. In practice this makes models that make images the classifier says are good. You would probably disagree with the classifiers' decisions often.


Search Depth

To calculate ratios to test, the node branches out from powers of 0.5

There are 25 blocks to examine. If you use a depth of 4 and create 2 samples each, 25 * 9 * 2 = 450 images will be generated.


The classifier models have been taken from the sdweb-auto-MBW repo.

