t0mer / matterbridge-custom-notifier

matterbridge-custom-notifier allows us to send whatsapp notifications to group using api calls but without the need to use the official whatsapp cloud api
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 3 forks source link
api go hacs hacs-custom hacs-integration home-assistant matterbridge python whatsapp


matterbridge is a bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (mattermost not required!) written in GO.

matterbridge-custom-notifier is a Homeassistant custom notification component that enables us to send notification to Whatsapp groups using the Matterbridge gateway and without the need to register to 3rd party integrator or the official Whatsapp cloud API.


Getting started

Get WhatsApp group id (JID) from WhatsApp web

You will also need to find the jid (Group identifier) of the group you want to send the notifications to. You can get the JID from WhatsApp web.

Open WhatsApp web and navigate to the relevant group: Whatsapp web

Open Developer tools, click the inspect toll and click on one of the messages: Developer tools

In the data-id you will see string that looks like that: true_1203631xxxxxxxxx @g.us_3EB072082B43E417EA35_xxxxxxxxxxxx@c.us. Copy the part that start right after true_ and ends with @g.us. this is the JID you will need.

Setting up matterbridge

First, create a new firectory named matterbridge under /opt and download the matterbridge pre-compiled binary:

Alternatively, you can compile matterbridge accordingly to your system OS and CPU architecture. You can find the instructions here Matterbridge

Next, create a file named matterbridge.toml and place it in the same directory with the binary file.

Add the following text to the file:

LogFile="/var/log/matterbridge.log" #Path to log file
IconURL="https://github.com/identicons/{NICK}.png" #Create avatar from github if user does not have one

BindAddress="" #Set API bind address and port
RemoteNickFormat="{NICK} "
Token="Add you own token" #Optional, secure the api endpoint with strong token

# Number you will use as a relay bot. Tip: Get some disposable sim card, don't rely on your own number.
# First time that you login you will need to scan QR code, then credentials willl be saved in a session file
# If you won't set SessionFile then you will need to scan QR code on every restart
# optional (by default the session is stored only in memory, till restarting matterbridge)
# If your terminal is white we need to invert QR code in order for it to be scanned properly
# optional (default false)
# Messages will be seen by other WhatsApp contacts as coming from the bridge. Original nick will be part of the message.
#RemoteNickFormat="@{NICK}: "
RemoteNickFormat="{NICK}: "
# extra label that can be used in the RemoteNickFormat
# optional (default empty)


    [[gateway.out]] #Set as out - send the message to this group

    [[gateway.in]] #Set the API as in, receive message from the api 

Now, run matterbridge (If you get a permission errors, run chmod +x matterbridge to give execute permissions). If everything goes well, you should see a QR code. Go to the whatsapp app and under Linked devices scan it:

QR Code

After a successfull scan, you will see it in the linked devices list under the name whatsmeow which is the library that matterbridge is based on.

Linked devices

Set matterbridge to start on system startup

As for now, this version of matterbridge that supports multi devices can be installed as System service and I'm working in a docker container version.

To add matterbridge as system service, run the following command:

nano /etc/systemd/system/matterbridge.service

and paste the following text:

Description=Matterbridge daemon

ExecStart=/opt/matterbridge/matterbridge -conf /opt/matterbridge/matterbridge.toml


Save the file and enable it by running the following commands:

 systemctl enable matterbridge
 systemctl status matterbridge

And to verify that the servie is running, run the following command:

systemctl status matterbridge

The output should look like this

● matter.service - Matterbridge daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/matter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-05 10:24:12 UTC; 6 days ago
 Main PID: 9486 (matterbridge)
    Tasks: 6 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/matter.service
           └─9486 /opt/matterbridge/matterbridge -conf /opt/matterbridge/matterbridge.toml

Sep 11 16:51:02 pub-api matterbridge[9486]: 16:51:02.534 [Client WARN] Error decrypting message from 972546683213@s.whatsapp.net in xxxxxxxxxx-1628582008@g.us: failed to decrypt group message: no send

You can also view the log by running

tail -f /var/log/matterbridge.log

Add the custom notifier to homeassistant

To add matterbridge reposiroty to HACS, Open you Homeassistant application and navigate to HACS:


Then click on Integrations:


On the upper right corner, click the three dots and select Custom repositories:

Custom repositories

Under repository, paste the following address: https://github.com/t0mer/matterbridge-custom-notifier

And Under category, select Integration:

Repo details

And click ADD.

You can now see that the *Matterbridge" was added to the custom repositories list: Custom Repo Added

Tou can now add matterbridge custom component from HACS.

Configure homeassistant to use matterbridge.

First, afetr the custom component installation, make sure you restarted home assistant.


To work with matterbridge, add the following code to your configuration.yaml file:

  - platform: matterbridge
    name: #Firendly name for the application
    nickname: #The name for the sender that appears in the message
    url: #URL for the matterbridge API. the url should end with "/api/message"
    token: #The token you entered in the matterbridge configuration file.

Save the file and restart Home-assistant.

Sending test notification

In Home assistant, under Developer tools go to services and find matterbridge notification service.

Insert the following lines:

service: notify.matter_whatsapp_notifire
  title: #Title for the message (Required!)
  message: #Message to send
    target: #Gateway name from the matterbridge configuration file

And click Call Service
