t3framework / t3

T3 Framework - (Core Plugin & Blank Template)
GNU General Public License v2.0
274 stars 161 forks source link

T3v3 - Joomla Responsive Template Framework, built with Bootstrap & LESS

The 3rd generation of T3 Framework - re-written from the scratch to support Bootstrap & LESS.


These things have opened a whole new way of how a Joomla template should be developed.


Demo (Frontend & Backend)

Backend Admin Login: username=demo, password=demo

Help & Userguide

Bug Tracker

Have a bug or a feature request? Feel free to open an issue via this link https://github.com/t3framework/t3/issues

Contribution & Developer Network

With a desire to provide an unified responsive framework for the Joomla 3.x, we are looking forward to the contribution the collaboration from all Joomla developers. Feel free to post your comment and or question to our T3v3 forum at JoomlArt, we have a plan to open a Google Group when we have enough developers using this framework.

Developer Network Update

Credits, Copyright and License