tSchlegl / f-AnoGAN

Code for reproducing f-AnoGAN training and anomaly scoring
MIT License
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f-AnoGAN: Fast unsupervised anomaly detection with generative adversarial networks


Code for reproducing f-AnoGAN training and anomaly scoring presented in "f-AnoGAN: Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks" (accepted manuscript). This work extends AnoGAN: "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery".

Referencing and citing f-AnoGAN

If you use (parts of) this code in your work please refer to this citation:

Schlegl, T., Seeböck, P., Waldstein, S.M., Langs, G., Schmidt-Erfurth, U., 2019. f-AnoGAN: Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks. Medical Image Analysis 54, 30-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2019.01.010


f-AnoGAN building blocks

Setting (image) paths

Image paths are set in tflib/img_loader.py. Images should be provided as "*.png" files structured in the following way:

Please edit that file to specify the paths to your datasets.


Results of related research work are provided at CIR.