taalhavras / ucal

a martian calendar
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Urbit Calendar

awesome urbit badge



Clone the urbit repository from here first and copy the make-app.sh into the pkg directory. Run ./make-app.sh /path/to/pier /path/to/ucal/repo/ (after creating and mounting a %ucal desk on that pier. also notice the trailing slash). Then |commit %ucal and |install our %ucal.

ucal-store pokes

The best documentation for these is the source code for action in sur/ucal-store.hoon. They're all pretty straightforward to use, though there are some convenience generators for calendar/event creation we'll talk about later.

Here's a table of how JSON should be formatted for each poke Poke Json
%create-calendar {'create-calendar': {'calendar-code': 'abcd-efgh', 'title': 'my-cal'}}
{'update-calendar': {'calendar-code': 'abcd-efgh',
'title': 'new-title' // optional, though pointless not to include } }
{'delete-calendar': {'calendar-code': 'some-code'}}
{'create-event': {'calendar-code': 'some-code', 
'event-code': 'event-code', // optional
'organizer': '~zod',
'title': 'my-event',
'desc': 'some-description', // optional
'tzid': 'utc',
'location': some-location, // optional
'when': some-moment,
'era': some-era, // optional
'invited': ['~nel', '~bus'] // optional - no invites if not included } }
{'update-event': {'calendar-code': 'some-code', 
'event-code': 'event-code',
'title': 'new-title', // optional
'desc': 'some-description', // optional, can specify null
'location': some-location, // optional, can specify null
'when': some-moment, // optional
'era': some-era, // optional, can specify null
'tzid': 'utc' // optional } }
{'delete-event': {'calendar-code': 'some-code', 'event-code': 'event-code'   } }
{'change-rsvp': {'calendar-code': 'some-code', 
'event-code': 'event-code',
'who': '~zod',
'invite': some-bool } }
{'import-from-ics': {'path': 'some-path', // or 
'data: 'some-ics-data',
'calendar-code:' 'some-code' // optional, a random code will be chosen if this isn't specified } }
{'change-permissions': {'calendar-code': 'some-code',
// now we have ONE of the following
// 1.
'change' : {'who': 'some-ship', 'role': 'some-role'} // role is either reader, writer, or acolyte
// 2.
'make-public': null
// 3.
'make-private': null } }

The general format of a cell type in JSON is a dictionary of field name to value. Tagged unions (types created with $%) will have a single key (the tag) mapped to another object containing the fields in that specific variant.

The calendar-permissions type is an exception to the above formatting: In json it looks like

  "readers" : ["~zod" "~nel"],
  "writers" : [],
  "acolytes": ["~bus"],
  "public" : false

where readers, writers and acolytes are arrays of ships and public is a boolean. The source code for json serialization/deserialization is in lib/ucal/util.hoon, consult that file for the specifics of how any type is serialized/deserialized.

Some other types mentioned above that must be parsed from json are below.

{ 'period' : {'start': start-time, 'end': end-time} }


    'address': "some-address",
    // geo is optional
    'geo': {'lat': 23.2, 'lon': 54.4}


  'type': {
    // 1.
    'until': some-date
    // 2.
    'instances': 10
    // 3.
    'infinite': null
  'interval': 23,
  'rrule': {
     // 1.
     'daily': null
     // 2.
     'weekly': ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']
     // 3.
     'monthly': {
       // 1.
       'on': null
       // 2.
       'weekday': 'wed'
     // 4.
     'yearly': null

ucal-store scrys

Note: All paths below should be suffixed with a mark - either noun or json will work (for noun and json results respectively). You can also use the ics mark for the %calendar-and-events scry as well as any other scry that returns a single calendar, single event, or list of events. This mark produces an @t of the data parsed into the ICS file format as specified by RFC 5545. The most useful scry here is %calendar-and-events - the others are mostly supported because it was easy to add such support. cal-code and event-code are unique per calendar/event and are just @tass (they're just uuids). For the scry for events in range, start and end are @das. ship is an @p whose almanac (a collection of calendars and events) we're examining. Path Return type Notes
%x ship %calendars (list calendar) all calendars
%x ship %events (list event) all events
%x ship %calendars cal-code calendar a specific calendar
%x ship %events %specific cal-code event-code event a specific event on a specific calendar
%x ship %events %bycal cal-code (list event) all events on a specific calendar
%x ship %calendar-and-events cal-code [calendar (list event)] calendar + all events on that calendar
%x ship %events %inrange cal-code start end timezone [(list event) (list projected-event)] produces two lists if a calendar with the specified code exits, unit otherwise. the (list event) is exactly what you'd expect and the (list projected-event) contains specific instances of recurring events found in the target range. the convention is start then end, but they can be supplied in reverse as well. The start/end are interpreted as being times in the specified timezone.
%x %host cal-code event-code @p the ship hosting a particular event we're invited to

Invitation scrys

The above scrys can also be used to retrieve information about events you've been invited to. You won't have access to calendar data for these events (unless you separately have access to it), but by using %invited-to instead of an @p in the path all scries that produce events will get you events you've been invited to. These scries are the only way to see these events if you don't have access to the calendars they're hsoted on.

Timezones in ucal

All scries that produce events can have /timezone/ZONE_NAME included after the ship. This means that the events produced wil have times adjusted to the specified timezone. Some examples with EST as the timezone of choice:

/gx/~zod/events/specific/abcd-efgh/hijk-lmno/noun -> /gx/~zod/timezone/EST/events/specific/abcd-efgh/hijk-lmno/noun
/gx/~zod/events/bycal/abcd-efgh/noun -> /gx/~zod/timezone/EST/events/bycal/abcd-efgh/noun
/gx/~zod/events/inrange/abcd-efgh/~2020.1.1/~2020.1.3/utc/noun -> /gx/~zod/timezone/EST/events/inrange/abcd-efgh/~2020.1.1/~2020.1.3/utc/noun

You'll need to run timezone-storeon your ship with some imported data for this to work. See the timezone-store section below for more details on how to set this up.

ucal-pull-hook pokes

Poke Json
{'query-cals': {'who': 'some-ship'}}
{'invitation-response': {
'calendar-code': 'some-code',
'event-code': 'some-code',
'status': 'yes' // either 'yes', 'no', or 'maybe'

Again, the best documentation for these is the source (specifically the ++on-poke arm in ucal-pull-hook.hoon) but here's an overview. %invitation-response is hopefully fairly obvious - it just sends an rsvp for a specified event. %query-cals sends a request to a given ship for all the calendar metadata that we (the sender) have access to. Responses to this poke can be accessed via a scry (documented below).

ucal-pull-hook scrys

These scries can also be suffixed with either noun or json, depending on what you want. Scry Return type Notes
%x %metadata @p (list metadata) metadata are [owner=@p title=cord =calendar-code]

Creating a calendar/event with a generator

Run :ucal-store|create-calendar some-title-cord to create a calendar. The same syntax can be used for creating events, with create-event instead (there's a different set of arguments). The generators can be found in urbit/gen/ucal-store and an explanation of this syntax is here.

Other useful generators

+all-calendars, =who (unit @p), =local flag : Dumps a list of metadata ([owner title code] tuples) so you can quickly see what calendars are in the store for a given ship (defaults to current ship if not specified). If local is specified to be false, queries the pull-hook instead. Useful in conjunction with...

+events-in-range =calendar-code start=@da end=@da, who=(unit @p) : Gets the events in the specified date range for the specified calendar on the specified ship (who). if no ship is specified we again default to the current ship.

Both of these are simple wrappers around some of the scries listed above, but they're nice for quickly checking the state of your calendar(s).

Subscribing to calendars on other ships

To enable this, you'll need to start ucal-push-hook on the ship you're subscribing to and ucal-pull-hook on the ship you're subscribing from (you might as well start them both on every ship though). Here's an overview of how to set this up with ~zod subscribing to a calendar on ~nel.

  1. On ~nel run +all-calendars to examine the available calendars. Let's say we have one with code %abcd-efgh that we want ~zod to subscribe to.
  2. ~zod needs a way of finding out what calendars ~nel is making available for subscription. While ~nel could just DM ~zod the calendar code, ~zod can also use :ucal-pull-hook|query-cals ~nel - this is a poke sent to the pull-hook that pulls in calendar metadata from ~nel.
  3. Now ~zod can run +all-calendars, =who [~ ~nel], =local | (note the =local argument we mentioned earlier) to get this information from its local pull-hook. ~zod should see an entry with code %abcd-efgh.
  4. ~zod should now run :ucal-pull-hook &pull-hook-action [%add ~nel [~nel %abcd-efgh]]

Now if ~nel creates events on this calendar, they'll be sent to ~zod's store (this can be verified by scrying, events-in-range, or just doing :ucal-store %print-state). Event updates and deletions will also be sent over to ~zod. If the calendar is deleted, ~zod will be unsubscribed and the calendar in ~zod's store will be deleted. If ~zod wants to manually unsubscribe we can poke the pull hook as follows. :ucal-pull-hook &pull-hook-action [%remove ~nel %abcd-efgh]


Timezones are handled with the help of a separate store - timezone-store to be exact. The store is itself fairly simple - it has one poke and two main scrys. It's built to handle the tz database - a canonical source for all timezone data, past and present. Timezones are obviously important to ucal, but they will certainly be important to other applications as well which is why this is a wholly separate store. Applications using this will probably be interested in lib/iana/*, specifically lib/iana/conversion.hoon. To use timezone-store you'll need to populate it with some data. You can either clone the repo linked above or copy specific files into your urbit. Which files? You'll want the ones roughly named for continents (i.e. northamerica, asia, etc.) Note that since the files in question don't have extensions, you'll need to rename them (just adding .txt is sufficient). There is a script in this repo that does this - run import-timezones.sh DIR to import all the files into the supplied directory. Once you've imported the files you want into your urbit you can import them into timezone-store with

:timezone-store &timezone-store-action [%import-files ~[/path/to/first/file /path/to/second/file]]

If an import contains data previously in the store, the old data is overwritten. You can also reset the store with

:timezone-store %reset-state

if you want a truly blank slate. This process is rather manual, so it's all been wrapped into the fetch-timezone thread. You can run -ucal!fetch-timezone "url" to download a file from a specified URL or run with no arguments to pull from the link above.


To invite/uninvite ships from a calendar use the change-rsvp poke on ucal-store - this is also equivalent to creating an event with those ships in the invited set. To see what events you are invited to you can use any scries that produce events from the above table, using %invited-to in the path instead of a ship name. To respond to invitations, poke your local ucal-pull-hook (see the pull-hook section for the details).


Permissions are implemented at the calendar level. Ships fall into three roles: readers, writers, and acolytes. These correspond to allowing ships to {subscribe to, edit, change permissions of} a calendar respectively. Being an acolyte implies being a writer, and being a writer implies being a reader. If a ship loses read access it will be kicked from its current subscription (if it has one) and will be prevented from resubscribing until it's readded. Calendars can also be specified to be public, giving every ship read access to it. It's also worth noting that if a ship doesn't have read access to a calendar they won't be aware of its existence (unless they were previously kicked from it) - query-cals will not report any calendars the querying ship isn't allowed to read.

ICS integrations

We briefly covered importing calendars from .ics files above (see the %import-from-ics poke) but to conveniently import a calendar from a URL you can use -fetch-ics "some-url" - see ted/fetch-ics.hoon for the details!

For a more robust importing experience look to ucal-sync. This app interacts with ucal-store in order to periodically "sync" calendars from urls. Please see sur/ucal-sync.hoon for the pokes you can send this app - the interface is pretty self explanatory. Once imported, the calendars should be treated as a read-only calendar inside of ucal. While mechanically you can still modify them by poking the store these changes will be lost when the calendar is next syncd. Other ships can still subscribe to the calendar and see updates as the calendar referred to by the url changes. If you ever stop the sync this restriction on modifying the calendar will stop applying - though if that's your end goal you should just use fetch-ics instead.

See the section on scries for info on converting to ics (in particular discussion of the ics mark in the particular) but calendars can also be exposed as ics files via GET requests. This is already baked in to how scries work but ucal-store also exposes a separate interface to allow GET requests for any public calendars in the store. For example, curl -i localhost:8080/ucal-ics/~zod/obzf-gpup would retrieve the calendar and associated events for a calendar owned by ~zod with code obzf-gpup that a local ship knows about (note that this is not necessarily a calendar created by ~zod - it can also be a public calendar that ~zod has subscribed to). This feature allows you to import calendars into things like Google Calendar or Outlook!

Current Roadmap

These are the current big tasks to undertake (in no particular order).

  1. almanac update to use ordered map (and potentially implementing an interval tree)
  2. invites
  3. more ph tests (sadly broken atm)

almanac update

branch: none

The data structure used to currently store events (the almanac) is naively implemented and can be improved. I think there's an ordered map somewhere in the la/graph-store branch of the main urbit repo (++mop) that we may be able to use here. It might also be worth implementing an Interval Tree as this seems to be the most efficient data structure for these types of queries.

recurrent event invites

branch: event-invites

Currently invites are implemented naively for recurring events (one invite for all events). These should certainly be maintained per event.

pH Testing (broken as of network breach)

branch: none

We have tests to verify calendar/event creation, destruction, and updates. There's also a test that demonstrates the hooks in use - subscriptions to calendars, updates propagating, and eventually stopping when the calendar is deleted. As more functionality (i.e. invites) is added, more tests will be needed (you can't have too many tests right?).

Interface (front-end)

Created from tlon's create-landscape-app.


  1. Ensure your have followed installation instructions above

  2. Go to the ucal-js directory and run yarn.

  3. Copy ucal-js/config/urbitrc-example to ucal-js/config/urbitrc and change it to point to your pier(s). Note that you can run multiple ships locally. Just add the address in FLEET and navigate to zod.localhost:9000/apps/calendar (replace "zod" with the ship name in the FLEET entry). On the first visit you should explicitly authenticate at zod.localhost:9000/~/login for each ship.

  4. Run yarn start.

  5. Make whatever changes you want to make in the ucal-js/src folder. Being familiar with React will be helpful here.

Creating a Frontend Production Build

  1. Run yarn build:prod in ucal-js

  2. Run the following with a clean fakezod after mounting the landscape desk:

cp -r /path/to/ucal-js/src/dist /path/to/zod/landscape/
cd /path/to/zod/landscape/dist && rm *.js.map*
urbit /path/to/zod
|commit %landscape
-garden!make-glob %landscape /dist
  1. Get the glob from /path/to/zod/.urb/put/

  2. Upload to a public URL and update desk.docket-0's glob-http entry.