taamarin / ClashforMagisk

Transparent proxy(Tproxy) for android (root)
685 stars 48 forks source link
android magisk-modules shell-scripts

Move to Box_For_Magisk https://github.com/taamarin/box_for_magisk

Clash for Magisk


Proxy Transparan for android.

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A fork of ClashForMagisk

This is a Clash module for Magisk, and includes binaries for arm, arm64, x86, x64.

Manager Apps CFM


You can download the release installer zip file and install it via the Magisk Manager App.


temporary config


Normal usage ( Default and Recommended )

Manage service start / stop

Advanced usage

MODDIR= "/data/clash"

Change proxy mode
Bypass transparent proxy when connected to Wi-Fi or open a hotspot

Clash default transparent proxy local and hotspot, line 17-21

Select which packages to proxy
Manage service start / stop
Manage transparent proxy enable / disable

you can use SubScription

Running manual command

${MODDIR}/scripts/clash.tool -s
Config Online
Change Clash kernel

You can use Clash.Premium and Clash.Meta

you can download the Kernel automatically, for the settings in the clash.config line 79-103

${MODDIR}/scripts/clash.tool -k
GeoSite, GeoIP, and Mmdb


Tutorial Clash For Magisk

Tutorial Tap Here


This is a repo fork