tabarra / txAdmin

The official FiveM server management platform used by over 23k servers!
MIT License
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txAdmin for FiveM

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txAdmin is a full featured web panel to Manage & Monitor your FiveM/RedM Server remotely, in use by over 21.000 servers worldwide at any given time.


Main Features

Also, check our Feature Graveyard for the features that are no longer among us (RIP).

Running (Windows/Linux)

txAdmin is included in all FXServer builds above 2524, so to run it for the first time simply do the following:

txAdmin requires to be launched from inside FXServer in monitor mode, to do that, just execute the or FXServer.exe without any +exec arguments.


ConVar usage example for different port and profile:

# Windows
./FXServer.exe +set serverProfile dev_server +set txAdminPort 40121

# Linux
./ +set serverProfile dev_server +set txAdminPort 40121

Contributing & Development

License, Credits and Thanks