tabbydoc / tabbyld2

A web-based application for semantic table interpretation (annotation).
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entity-linking knowledge-graph semantic-table-interpretation table-interpretation


TabbyLD2 is a web-based application for semantic annotation of relational tables and generation of facts from annotated tabular data to populate knowledge graphs.




Source tabular data description

A source (input) table represents a set of the same type entities in a relational form (a subset of the Cartesian product of K-data domains), where:

  1. Attribute (a column name) is a name of a data domain in a relationship schema.
  2. Metadata (a schema) is an ordered set of K-attributes of a relational table.
  3. Tuple (a record) is an ordered set of K-atomic values (one for each attribute of a relation).
  4. Data (recordset) is a set of tuples of a relational table.

A table of the same type entities (a canonicalized form) is a relational table in the third normal form (3NF), which contains an ordered set of N-rows and M-columns.

A table represents a set of entities of the same type, where:

  1. Categorical column or Named entities column (NE-column) contains names (text mentions) of some named entities.
  2. Literal column (L-column) contains literal values (e.g. dates, numbers).
  3. Subject (thematic) column (S-column) is a NE-column represented as a potential primary key and defines a subject of a source table.
  4. Another (non-subject) columns represent entity properties including their relationships with other entities.

Assumption 1. The first row of a source table is a header containing attribute (column) names.

Assumption 2. All values of column cells in a source table have the same entity types and data types.

Semantic table interpretation

TabbyLD2 supports a semantic interpretation (annotation) of separate elements of a source table by using a target knowledge graph. DBpedia is used as a target knowledge graph.

A knowledge graph is a graph of data intended to accumulate and convey knowledge of the real world, whose nodes represent entities of interest and whose edges represent relations between these entities (Hogan et al. Knowledge Graphs. ACM Computing Surveys, 54(4), 2022, 1-37). So, a knowledge graph contains:

Semantic Table Interpretation (STI) is the process of recognizing and linking tabular data with external concepts from a target knowledge graph, which includes three main tasks:

  1. Cell-Entity Annotation (CEA) is a matching between values of table cells and entities (specific instances) from a target knowledge graph.
  2. Column-Type Annotation (CTA) is a matching between columns (or headers, if available) and classes or datatypes from a target knowledge graph.
  3. Columns Property Annotation (CPA) is a matching relationship between two columns (S-column and all other columns) and properties (relationships) from a target knowledge graph.


First, you need to clone the project into your directory:

git clone

Next, you need to install all requirements for this project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

We recommend you to use Python 3.7 or more.

Additional software

  1. In addition to SPARQL queries, we use DBpedia Lookup to find candidate entities from DBpedia. This service requires a separate installation.

  2. TabbyLD2 uses ColNet for CTA task. ColNet is a framework based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to predict the most suitable (relevant) class from a set of candidates for each named entity column. The ColNet framework uses Tensorflow as a machine learning platform.

ColNet requirements:

NOTE 1: to use sparql.query in Python 3.7 and more, go to sparql library, find the IRI class and change return of the __str__() function.


def __str__(self):
    return self.value.encode("unicode-escape")


def __str__(self):
    return self.value

NOTE 2: The version of Tensorflow and Keras libraries must match.

Directory Structure


Console mode

In order to use the TabbyLD2 in console mode, you may run the following command:


Run this script to process source tables in CSV format. Tables must be located in the source_tables directory.

The processing result are presented as JSON format and will be saved to the results directory (json and provenance subdirectories).

Web mode

In order to use the TabbyLD2 in web mode, you may run the following command:


NOTE: This mode does not work at the moment!


