tablacus / TablacusExplorer

A tabbed file manager with Add-on support
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mouse gesture(copy full path script),search function,Properties tooltip,list setting,show hidden files setting,hidefileext setting... #79

Open liuzhaoyzz opened 7 years ago

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Problem to be solved:(baidu translate) search plug-in function is very weak. 1、Plug 【find files】 will pop up a dialog box, find the speed is very slow. 2、The 【Inner search bar】 and 【Search bar】 plug-in, these two plug-ins do not support fuzzy search, for example, to find the F:\TablacusExplorer directory, you need to enter the ★Tablacus★ such that wildcard. 3、If the use of the 【Everything】 plug-ins, you also need to download everything.exe in the TablacusExplorer\te170307\addons\everything\ directory, and the search results will not only present tab,it will search all disks; search records cannot be saved.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

【Inner search bar】 and 【Search bar】 supports Advanced Query Syntax(AQS)

Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

It seems AQS only support win7,my system is XP. It is hard to understand the address you give me. Is there a easy way to find keyword file or directory? another plug-in or function?I almost try most of the plug-ins. Search bar must use with wildcard*,isn't it? I replied with my phone.Thank you for your reply!

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

search bar,sorry

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately in XP Search bar is the same as Filter bar. You can not search subfolders.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Excuse me,how to show hidden files or not show hidden files? Plugg-in or function?I didn't find. I want to use TE instead of windows explorer wholely.

【mouse gestures plug-in】 How can I set 【2UR】 mouse gestures to copy file path and filename? I can only use 【2UR】at blank in the file list,can I use 【2UR】at a folder or a file? Actually,rightclick and drag it will show "move" and other popup menu. MDIE can do so,a software by Japanese.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

How to show hidden files or not show hidden files. Tool->Options->List->Show all files 12 Best regards,

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Mouse gestures on item Tools -> Options -> Mouse-> Gettures -> Priority 13 Tools -> Add-ons -> Mouse ->List 14 Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your reply! How to show hidden files or not show hidden files. Tool->Options->List->Show all files Whether I check it or not,it won't work,so I am very puzzled. XP SP3 ,Simplified Chinese zh 【or】 English image

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Probably here「显示所有文件」 unnamed

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Mouse gestures on item Tools -> Options -> Mouse-> Gettures -> Priority I set mouse gesture 【2UR】 like you,it did work. But,if I select a folder or select no folder,Copy full path isn't the same result. How can I get the folder whether I choice the folder or not,when I use 【2UR】at a folder ? That is to say,I want to get the full path when I use 【2UR】at a folder,and get it's parent folder when I use 【2UR】 at the blank list.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Please make a script if you want to make detailed settings. Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

I know little about script. I tried 显示所有文件 or not, it seemed the same result.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Properties addon,the tooltip is wrong,It's paste?粘贴=paste image

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

ctrl+F function,must use with ★keyword★,otherwise the search result is nothing. Can you modify the script so that ctrl+F use keyword directly?And support subdirectory? for example,F:\boot ctrl+F input boot 【or】 ot,the result is nothing. ctrl+F input ★boot★ 【or】 ★ot★,the result is right. Two wildcards make it complex and make users puzzled.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Show no hidden files. off Show hidden files. on I think there is no problem. Best regards,

tablacus commented 7 years ago

No selection. Clipboard: Parent folder path. 0 1 Selection. Clipboard: Selected item path. 1 2 Selection. Clipboard: Selected items path. 2 It's in the specifications.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

ctrl+F : Search It is only XP problem. Unfortunately, I don't know XP's search API.

17.3.11 released. Anyway, enclose search string with *. Please try this.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

17.3.11 released. TE32 17.3.11 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zh_cn

show hidden files do not work. Would you please write a vbs os js script so that I can use it as a mouse gesture?

【2UR】mouse gesture: In the condition 【No selection】: As the picture below,left 【2UR】 at the folder "Microsoft Visual studio 9.0",I want to get "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0",but I get "C:\Program Files\". I want to 【2UR】 at the folder=select the folder & copy full path,without left click to select it first. Or could you write a script to realize it? image

I tried the addon 【search file】、【inner search file】、【Filter bar】and【CTRL+F】funciton ,they all needn't wildcard *. thank you! But they don't support search subdirectory,how can I find a .doc file in many directorys?(I often use XP,XP has many fans in China,I don't like WIN7,so AQS will not effect.)

The Properties addon,the tooltip is wrong,It's paste?paste=粘贴 image

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

And how can I show or not show a file extension in TE? Would you please write a script so that I can use it as a mouse gesture? Maybe you can put those scripts into the tool script (which including new folder,copy full name......)so that all users can use it as mouse gesture.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

【2UR】mouse gesture: Type JScript


var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt);
var iItem = FV.HitTest(g_.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM);
var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FocusedItem;
if (Item) {
    clipboardData.setData("text", Item.Path);


tablacus commented 7 years ago

Have you tried search software? For example, this

You can't hide a file extension in TE.

Best regards.

tablacus commented 7 years ago


This message get from resource string on shell32.dll.

You can change the message. 17 Best regards.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.12 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zhcn var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); var iItem = FV.HitTest(g.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM); var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FocusedItem; if (Item) { clipboardData.setData("text", Item.Path); } Use the JS script above,in the condition no selection: If I 【2UR】 at a folder or a directory,I get the right result. But if I 【2UR】 at the blank in the list,I get wrong result,I want to get the "current directory" in address bar,but it seems get the first subdirectory or the first【2UR】directory,I am not sure,for it is not stationary.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

I downloaded locate32 and tried.But I'd rather search with one software TE or its addon. I am looking forward to your update in the future.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

The tooltip of properties addon,I found the way to modify it ,thank you!

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

HideFileExt.vbs is effective (press F5 manually) in windows explorer's current path,but how to write script in TE to refresh the current Tabs?instead of "WSHShell.SendKeys "{F5}+{F10}e""? Dim WSHShell Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") if WSHShell.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt") = 0 then WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt", "1", "REG_DWORD" WSHShell.SendKeys "{F5}+{F10}e" else WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt", "0", "REG_DWORD" WSHShell.SendKeys "{F5}+{F10}e" end if Set WSHShell = Nothing WScript.Quit(0)

tablacus commented 7 years ago

How about this?

var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt);
var iItem = FV.HitTest(g_.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM);
var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FolderItem;
if (Item) {
    clipboardData.setData("text", Item.Path);


p.s. HideFileExt.vbs can't effective in tablacus explorer.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.12 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zhcn //【2UR】mouse gesture:list var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); var iItem = FV.HitTest(g.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM); var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FolderItem; if (Item) { clipboardData.setData("text", Item.Path); } The JS script above runs very good!That is what I want! Thank you!

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

Would you please write a show/not show hidden files script so that I can use it as mouse gesture? Something is wrong with the function Tool->Options->List->Show all files,really. It is effective in WIN7,it isn't effective in XP. Best regards.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.12 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zh_cn Tools->option->list->Explorer browser(*7),if I select list in XP,TE will crash and quit,and I can't open TE any longer. I know it is effective in WIN7.But I can select Icon,Small icon,Details,Title,Thumbstrip(in WinXP system),it won't make TE crash. TE has a lot of settings,I want to copy the program and the settings to run on my XP and WIN7 computers,or the PC of my friends,so I hope TE is compatible with more systems. image

tablacus commented 7 years ago

17.3.14 released. Please try this.

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.14 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zh_cn Tool->Options->List->Show all files,it doesn't work.

Tools->option->list->Explorer browser(*7),if I select list in XP,TE will not crash and quit quickly,but the next time I can't open TE any more. 【important】And it will get stuck for a while when I doubleclick a folder or a drive to enter it,that's too bad!TE32 17.3.14 version is a very bad version.TE32 17.3.12 is very fluent! And the settings Tools->option->list->view->list(for XP) doesn't work at the next time TE open,it seems the seting is not saved.I have selected the check default.TE32 17.3.12 can be saved. image

tablacus commented 7 years ago

17.3.15 released. Please try this.

ICommDlgBrowser2::GetViewFlags CDB2GVF_SHOWALLFILES

Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.15 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zh_cn Tools->option->list->view->list for XP Tools->option->list->view->list for WIN7 They are both effective,and they can be saved without crashed,and TE is fluent when I double click to enter the directory,good Work,thank you!

Tool->Options->List->Show all files,it is effective suddenly!At first it wasn't effective.I changed the setting In windows explorer,and then show / not show files worked. I found the rule: 1,In Windows explorer,tools->directory setting->view Tab->select 【not show】 hidden files,then TE show all files 【will work】. 2,In Windows explorer,tools->directory setting->view Tab->select 【show】 hidden files,then TE show all files 【will not work】. The setting of TE Is related with windows explorer,is it normal? Would you please write a show/not show hidden files script so that I can use it as mouse gesture?

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Too little information to fix it.

Folder options sys English:"Display the contents of system folders" How about this?

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

No,it doesn't matter with the setting "Display the contents of system folders" in windows explorer. it is matter with the setting 【show】 hidden files in windows explorer. I have posted a picture,but it didn't show in the thread,sorry. image 隐藏受保护的文件系统=Hide protected file system,doesn't matter 不显示隐藏的文件和文件夹=Do not show hidden files and folders,TE will work 显示所有文件和文件夹=Show all files and folders ,TE will NOT work。

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

分享一个鼠标手势: 【2UL】鼠标右键上左拖动=从当前文件夹打开CMD窗口.js I share a mouse gesture,it is very funny. 【2UL】=open CMD form current directory.js,You Can 【2UL】at a folder or the blank in the list. //open CMD from the current directory.js //从当前文件夹打开cmd窗口.js var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); var iItem = FV.HitTest(g_.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM); var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FolderItem; var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); shell.Run('cmd /K @cd /d '+Item.Path +'"');

I know little about script,I can only copy & paste from your code and Internet. I suggest that you can put 【2UL】and 【2UR】mouse gesture into the mouse gesture addon in the next TE version.The addon cut,copy,paste,delete,properties,undo close tab,count bar/status bar is very useful,I suggest you integrate them in the next version.

Best regards,

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.15 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zh_cn I found a new problem: Mouse gesture addon,I customized two Jscript mouse gesture [2UL] [2UR],if I copy TE to C:\Program Files\,I can see [2UR] mouse gesture only;If I copy TE to other path,I can see both [2UL] and [2UR]. Maybe it doesn't matter with the windows path authorization,because I can see [2UR] when TE is in C:\Program Files. image

The button "initialize config folder" is gray. image

dasu88 commented 7 years ago

On the 2UL JScript, is it possible to get the system administrator permission to run cmd.exe? This is very important in windows 10

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

I didn't try to run TE on win10,sorry.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Settings are saved in "%AppData%\tablacus\explorer\config". vie Are you all right?

tablacus commented 7 years ago

Haven't you existed "layout" folder in the application folder? 2

tablacus commented 7 years ago
var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt);
var iItem = FV.HitTest(g_.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM);
var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FolderItem;
ShellExecute('cmd /K @cd /d ' + api.PathQuoteSpaces(Item.Path), "RunAs", SW_SHOWNORMAL);

image Best regards,

dasu88 commented 7 years ago

It's work, thanks...

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

In case you installed Tablacus Explorer to the Program Files directory:Settings are saved in "%AppData%\tablacus\explorer\config". OK,I see. I know that all programs need administrator privilege to write data in WIN7+,all the writing operation maybe redirected to %appdata%,Win7+ is too boring! So I recommend that never put TE into "C:\Program Files\" or "C:\Program Files(x86)\"! You can put TE into anywhere except the boring directory "C:\Program Files\" and "C:\Program Files(x86)\"! The config will be saved in the "current directory" where TE Lies.And the config will "Write once,use everywhere!"

If "C:\Program Files\te????????\layout" exist,the button "initialize config folder" is not gray. OK,I see. Thank you!

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

TE32 17.3.15 Win 5.1.2600 WS 100 Admin IE 8 zhcn //open CMD from the current directory.js //从当前文件夹打开cmd窗口.js var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); var iItem = FV.HitTest(g.mouse.ptDown, LVHT_ONITEM); var Item = iItem >= 0 ? FV.Items().Item(iItem) : FV.FolderItem; ShellExecute('cmd /K @cd /d ' + api.PathQuoteSpaces(Item.Path), "RunAs", SW_SHOWNORMAL);

The JS above will always popup the dialogbox every time: qq 20170318100423

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago
var WSHShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var regpath="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced\\HideFileExt";
if (WSHShell.RegRead(regpath)== 0)
WSHShell.RegWrite(regpath,"1", "REG_DWORD");
WSHShell.RegWrite(regpath,"0", "REG_DWORD");

Put TE into an English directory: HideFileExt.js is effective (press F5 manually) in TE,but how to write script to refresh the current Tabs?instead of "WSHShell.SendKeys("{F5}"")?this sentence isn't effective in TE.

tablacus commented 7 years ago

liuzhaoyzz commented 7 years ago

//HideFileExt.js var WSHShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var regpath="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt"; if (WSHShell.RegRead(regpath)== 0) { WSHShell.RegWrite(regpath,"1", "REG_DWORD"); } else { WSHShell.RegWrite(regpath,"0", "REG_DWORD"); }; var FV = GetFolderView(Ctrl, pt); FV.Refresh();

[2RD]mouse gesture:list When the file extension is hidden,the JS Script above can show file extension normally. When the file extension is showed,the JS Script above must run and press {ENTER} KEY manually. What happened when {ENTER} KEY is pressed?Can it be done with a segment of code? “WSHShell.SendKeys("{ENTER}");” seems not work in TE.

Best regards,

tablacus commented 7 years ago