tableau-mkt-archived / entity_xliff

Drupal module that provides an API for entity serialization in the XLIFF format.
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This is a Drupal extension that integrates Eggs'n'Cereal()--a PHP library that generically facilitates serialization and unserialization of data in the XLIFF() format--with Drupal. It does very little on its own, other than provide a basic UI to export and import Drupal entities in the XLIFF format.

Install this module if you're using another module that depends on it, or if you are a developer looking to build a custom localization workflow for Drupal based around importing and exporting XLIFFs.


  1. Install this module and its dependencies, Composer Manager(), via drush: drush dl entity_xliff entity composer_manager
  2. Enable Composer Manager: drush en composer_manager
  3. Then enable this module: drush en entity_xliff
  4. Composer Manager may automatically download and enable requisite PHP libraries, but if not, run drush composer-manager install or drush composer-manager update.

More information on installing and using Composer Manager() is available on GitHub.

You will need to grant the "Administer Entity XLIFF" permission to anyone who will be importing or exporting content through this module. If you have Workbench Moderation installed, you may also need to grant the "Bypass Moderation Restrictions" permission. Note that these permissions are considered privileged and should only be granted to those who truly need the access.


Paragraphs: If you use this module with Paragraphs, you will need this patch to avoid issues where paragraphs items seem to disappear as you import XLIFFs:

Field Collections: If you use this module with Field Collection, you will need this patch to avoid issues where tabs may appear to multiply as you import XLIFFs:

If you use this module with field collections and revisions, you may also need to apply this patch:

Workbench Moderation: If you use this module with Workbench Moderation, you will need to apply this patch to avoid fatal errors during XLIFF import failures:

Developing with this module


Please note

This module and its underlying dependencies are still under active development. Use at your own risk with the intention of finding and filing bugs.