tacheometry / steam-hour-farmer

Farm/boost/idle hours headlessly on Steam without game installation
MIT License
28 stars 4 forks source link
boost hourboost steam steam-account steam-api steam-bot steam-hour-booster steam-idler steambot

Simple Steam hour farmer

steam-hour-farmer is a program that emulates you playing a game on Steam, with the purpose of effortlessly getting hours played on certain games on your profile.

How to use

  1. Have Node.js configured (minimum version 16). This can be done through nvm on a VPS or through the official website.

  2. Install this package:

    npm install -g steam-hour-farmer
  3. Make a directory somewhere. This is where your Steam data will be stored, and where you can configure the bot.

  4. Find your Steam game ids. In each game, go to Properties -> Updates -> Copy the App ID.

  5. In this directory, make a file named .env with the content:


    This will start playing Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mod for example.

    The GAMES part of the file describes what games you'd like the bot to play, separated by a comma. You can also include a non-Steam game name, for example:

    GAMES="Hello World,440,400"

    Additionally, a PERSONA value may be supplied to set the online status of the user. Can be Online (1), Busy (2), Away (3), Snooze (4). For example,


    to be Online. Do not write this value if you don't want the user's presence to change.

    All of this configuration can be passed via environment variables too - they don't need to be in this .env file.

  6. Run the program in the same directory:


[!TIP] If you have access to your Steam Shared Secret (using something like SteamDesktopAuthenticator), you can input it into a SHARED_SECRET variable like so:


This will prevent you from needing to input your Steam Guard code at all, and will allow the bot to reconnect without any manual intervention.

When the bot starts, it will request a Steam Guard code via email or the mobile application. When you start playing on another machine, the bot will be kicked from its session, requiring a re-login, with a new Steam Guard code.

This can be remedied by using the Steam Shared Secret, or disabling Steam Guard.

Note that the playtime might seem to be the same when looking from another client - it can take a couple hours for Steam to refresh it sometimes.

Running in the background

To run the program in the background, multiple methods can be followed. These include: