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Creator: [[ JOIN! ]](https://telegram.me/advanbot)
Channel: [[ JOIN! ]](https://telegram.me/joinchat/CbNIGj07Z0YAy3CX5MRQaQ)
Support: [[ JOIN! ]](https://telegram.me/joinchat/Bqy_YT_BXhTWrPiN97yvsg) *** ## You can create an account for free in: |Rank | Name | Adress | |:--------|:----------|:------------| |
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And ... ## SuperGroup's languages (you can say !lang list): | Commands | Usage | |:--------|:----------|:------------| |
Clone Source: ```sh git clone https://github.com/janlou/AdvanSource && cd AdvanSource ``` -
install bot: ```sh chmod 700 start.sh ./start.sh install y ``` | ANTI CRASH | |:-----------------------| ```sh tmux new-session -s script "bash steady.sh -t" ``` -
Now run your bot then enter bot's phone number and join code: `./start.sh -q` -
And you can start bot with steady script: | FREE SERVER: | |:-----------------------| | `./steady.sh -t` | | BOUGHT SERVER: | |:-----------------------| | `screen ./steady.sh -t` |