tact-lang / tree-sitter-tact

🌳 Tree-sitter grammar for the ⚡ Tact contract programming language
MIT License
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grammar highlighting lexer parser tact the-open-network ton tree-sitter tree-sitter-parser tree-sitter-tact


Tree-sitter + Tact = tree-sitter-tact

A fully-featured 🌳 Tree-sitter grammar for the ⚡ Tact contract programming language:

Note, that the only limiting point are the asm functions introduced in Tact 1.5.0 — their bodies doesn't produce any highlighting and can be ill-parsed for now, so expect ERROR nodes in the parse tree. In the future, this is planned to be resolved by an external scanner — it can parse much more, and it can yield more tokens for subsequent highlighting.

🚀 Usage


Installation assumes you're using lazy.nvim as a plugin manager:

Instructions 1. Clone the repo to any convenient place: `git clone https://github.com/tact-lang/tree-sitter-tact ~/.local/git/tree-sitter-tact` (`~/.local/git` is exemplary, you may choose another directory) 2. Add the following (partly or as a whole) to your `~/.config/nvim/init.lua` (Or `~\AppData\Local\nvim\init.lua` on Windows): For the general Tree-sitter support: ```lua -- lazy.nvim package manager require('lazy').setup({ -- ... { -- Highlight, edit, and navigate code 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', build = ':TSUpdate', -- Optional, may be removed: dependencies = { -- adds syntax aware text-objects, select, move, swap, and peek support -- see: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects', -- adds a sticky context header on top as you scroll through file contents -- see: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context' }, }, -- ... }, {}) ``` For the tree-sitter-tact support: ```lua local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs() -- Adds tree-sitter-tact support parser_config.tact = { install_info = { url = "~/.local/git/tree-sitter-tact", -- a path to the cloned repo files = {"src/parser.c"}, branch = "main", generate_requires_npm = false, requires_generate_from_grammar = false, } } -- Adds filetype recognition for .tact files vim.filetype.add({ extension = { tact = "tact", } }) ``` 3. Create a folder for queries under your Neovim runtime directory, if not exists: * Windows: `mkdir -p ~\AppData\Local\nvim\queries` * Linux, macOS, *NIX: `mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/queries` 4. Symlink the `editor_queries/neovim` sub-directory, this will add all the queries: * Windows: `mklink /D ~\AppData\Local\nvim\queries\tact ~\.local\git\tree-sitter-tact\editor_queries\neovim` * Linux, macOS, *NIX: `ln -s ~/.local/git/tree-sitter-tact/editor_queries/neovim ~/.config/nvim/queries/tact` 5. Finally, run the `:TSInstall tact` inside the Neovim. 6. For further configuration and customization, refer to the following repositories: * [nvim-treesitter](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter) * [nvim-treesitter-textobjects](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects) * [nvim-treesitter-context](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context)

Queries bundled (see editor_queries/neovim):


:rocket: Helix version 24.03 comes bundled with tree-sitter-tact for Tact 1.2.0.

If you want to always have the latest parser and queries available (which target branches master of Helix and main of Tact), do the following:

Instructions 1. Clone the repo to any convenient place: `git clone https://github.com/tact-lang/tree-sitter-tact ~/.local/git/tree-sitter-tact` (`~/.local/git` is exemplary, you may choose another directory) 2. Create a folder for queries under your Helix runtime directory, if not exists: * Windows: `mkdir -p ~\AppData\Roaming\helix\runtime\queries` * Linux, macOS, *NIX: `mkdir -p ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries` 3. Symlink the `editor_queries/helix` sub-directory, this will add all the queries: * Windows: `mklink /D ~\AppData\Roaming\helix\runtime\queries\tact ~\.local\git\tree-sitter-tact\editor_queries\helix` * Linux, macOS, *NIX: `ln -s ~/.local/git/tree-sitter-tact/editor_queries/helix ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries/tact` 4. Add the following to your `~/.config/helix/languages.toml` (Or `~\AppData\Roaming\helix\languages.toml` on Windows): ```toml [[language]] name = "tact" scope = "source.tact" injection-regex = "tact" file-types = ["tact"] comment-token = "//" block-comment-tokens = [{ start = "/*", end = "*/"}] indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " } [language.auto-pairs] '"' = '"' '{' = '}' '(' = ')' '<' = '>' [[grammar]] name = "tact" source = { path = "/absolute/path/to/your/home/directory/.local/git/tree-sitter-tact" } # TODO: replace with your full path to downloaded repo ``` 6. Finally, run the following commands to update all Tree-sitter grammars, including Tact's: ```bash hx --grammar fetch hx --grammar build ```

Queries bundled (see editor_queries/helix):

💲 CLI Usage

Tree-sitter grammars have limited utility on its own and are best used as parsers that can be embedded in other projects. However, tree-sitter-cli can be used with this grammar to show generated parse trees and syntax highlighting for a given Tact file.

For a quick demo of tree-sitter-cli usage:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Install Node.js dependencies (by npm ci (preferred, to re-use package-lock.json), pnpm i, bun i or yarn).
  3. Execute relevant commands from the scripts tag in package.json.

For a more streamlined experience, you may:

  1. Install tree-sitter-cli.
  2. Create a tree-sitters directory in your home directory.
  3. Clone this repository (or symlink it) into the new ~/tree-sitters/ directory.
  4. Run tree-sitter parse path/to/file.tact to be shown the parse tree for the file.
  5. Run tree-sitter highlight path/to/file.tact to be shown the file with syntax highlighting applied.

🎨 Structure

Grammar definition resides in grammar.js:

Generic queries are structured as follows:

|-- highlights.scm -- syntax highlighting queries (generic, for Tree-sitter & GitHub)
|-- locals.scm -- fixed set of capture names to track local scopes and variables (and alike)
`-- tags.scm -- tagging queries for code navigation systems (as used on GitHub)

To find highlighting and other queries for specific editors, look in the editor_queries/ directory. There, all the queries target development upstream branches of the relevant editors, unless the directory has a suffix -release/, in such case the queries provided there are targeting the latest releases.

⚙ References

Useful ⚡ Tact links


Based on The Open Network.

Built with 🤍 by Novus Nota.
