tadasdanielius / daikin_altherma

Daikin Altherma custom component for home assistant
MIT License
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Request update "Heating Energy" sensors D2CND #46

Closed eduardkirkosa closed 1 year ago

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Hi, @tadasdanielius

Could you please update the "Heating Energy" sensors for D2CND ( via DRGATEWAYAA ) the device_class/state_class, so' I can add it to Energy Dashboard ( Gas Consumption ). Thanks, Edy

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

Fixed in v1.3.7

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Thanks :) working



tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

12kWh electricity consumption. You must be paying a fortune for electricity 😄

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

hope not ;) - i still wait for the bill on November ;) 75%+ it's the dmn HeatPump :( , and 0% Gas - "Keep it real" kamikaze level


tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

You must be heating football stadium if it takes 75% of the 12kWh. If I see 20kWh/day (only for heatpump) I am already freaking out. Overall my total consumption looks a bit higher (~800kWh) for Nov.

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Combo combination : Poor(I think) isolation from windows + doors + attic , radiators (not underfloor) , pets (1 door sometimes open for long time) , I bet in January the external part of the HP will take off like a helicopter :))))))))))

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Hi @tadasdanielius

I turn on the D2CND to check how it's working, and the values for "Heating Energy" stay at "0 kwh" - something it's weird :( image

image image image

And from the App: image

If more info/logs are needed just point me to the right location and i try get it :)

Thanks, Edy

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

How about electricity consumption? I only have electric heating, thus currently it's only picking electricity usage.

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

for HP works


tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

And what the official app showing for electricity consumption (not gas)?

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

HP image

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Looks like the D2CND has both options for Energy "gas + electricity" - and your sensor pick up the "electricity" image image

for sure the energy "gas" has different source

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

Yes, Gas has separate values but at the moment they are not being used as I don't have gas device therefore I don't see them.

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

can I / it's possible - to get out some logs/events that you can use ?

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

if you can drop a profiles of your devices then I might be able to implement, but can't promise anything 😄

arildas commented 1 year ago

I think the best way is to log debug real info with original app to zip file. Run it for linger time to cillect more data. C3566D74-A6EB-44EE-86EB-B765D7B7BCF5

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

@tadasdanielius i did the steps for profiles and i get now: image



tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

You probably changed something too much. You just need to remove # from those lines in __init__.py


It should look like this

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

/config/daikin_altherma_0.json {"SyncStatus": "reboot", "UnitStatus": ["ErrorState"], "DateTime": {"DateTimeAdjustable": false}}

/config/daikin_altherma_1.json {"SyncStatus": "update", "Sensor": ["IndoorTemperature", "OutdoorTemperature", "LeavingWaterTemperatureCurrent"], "UnitStatus": ["ErrorState", "InstallerState", "WarningState", "EmergencyState", "TargetTemperatureOverruledState"], "Operation": {"Power": ["on", "standby"], "OperationMode": ["heating"], "TargetTemperature": {"heating": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 12.0, "stepValue": 0.5}}, "RoomTemperatureHeating": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 12.0, "stepValue": 0.5, "settable": true}, "LeavingWaterTemperatureOffsetHeating": {"maxValue": 10, "minValue": -10, "stepValue": 1, "settable": true}}, "Schedule": {"Base": "action", "defaultScheduleAvailable": "true", "NameAdjustable": "false", "List": {"heating": [{"StartTime": {"stepValue": 10.0, "unit": "minutes"}, "TargetTemperature": {"heating": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 12.0, "stepValue": 1}}, "Actions": ["StartTime", "TargetTemperature"], "maxActionsAllowed": 6}, ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"], ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"], ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"], []]}}, "Consumption": {"Electrical": {"unit": "kWh", "Heating": {"Daily": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 2}, "Weekly": {"contentCount": 14, "resolution": 1}, "Monthly": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 1}}}}}

/config/daikin_altherma_2.json {"SyncStatus": "update", "Sensor": ["TankTemperature"], "UnitStatus": ["ErrorState", "InstallerState", "WeatherDependentState", "WarningState", "EmergencyState"], "Operation": {"Power": ["on", "standby"], "OperationMode": ["heating"], "TargetTemperature": {"heating": {"maxValue": 60.0, "minValue": 30.0, "stepValue": 0.5}}, "DomesticHotWaterTemperatureHeating": {"maxValue": 60.0, "minValue": 30.0, "stepValue": 1.0, "settable": true}, "powerful": ["0", "1"]}, "Schedule": {}, "Consumption": {"Electrical": {"unit": "kWh", "Heating": {"Daily": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 2}, "Weekly": {"contentCount": 14, "resolution": 1}, "Monthly": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 1}}}}}

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

The - error state it's due to stupid 60gr tank water clean/cycle blabla - that i stopped.

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

Nothing related to gas usage to pick it up. Do you have two separate devices?

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes image

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

I see. Can you temporary disable Daikin Altherma and leave only GazBoiler restart HA, copy files and then you can enable it again. The reason is that they both write to the same files and apparently Daikin Altherma overrides the GazBoiler

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

daikin_altherma_0.json {"SyncStatus": "registration", "UnitStatus": ["ErrorState"], "DateTime": {"DateTimeAdjustable": true}}

daikin_altherma_1.json {"SyncStatus": "update", "Sensor": ["IndoorTemperature"], "UnitStatus": ["ErrorState", "WarningState", "TargetTemperatureOverruledState"], "Operation": {"Power": ["on", "standby"], "OperationMode": ["heating_day", "heating_night"], "SensorTemperature": {"stepValue": 0.5}, "TargetTemperatureDay": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 10.0, "stepValue": 0.5}, "TargetTemperatureNight": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 10.0, "stepValue": 0.5}, "TargetTemperature": {"heating_day": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 10.0, "stepValue": 0.5}, "heating_night": {"maxValue": 30.0, "minValue": 10.0, "stepValue": 0.5}}, "EcoMode": ["0", "1"]}, "Schedule": {"Base": "TimeSegment", "defaultScheduleAvailable": "false", "NameAdjustable": "false", "List": {"Heating": [{"StartTime": {"stepValue": 15, "unit": "minute"}, "EndTime": {"stepValue": 15, "unit": "minute"}, "OperationMode": ["heating_day", "heating_night"], "TargetTemperature": {"heating_day": {"maxValue": 21.0, "minValue": 21.0, "stepValue": 0.0}, "heating_night": {"maxValue": 21.0, "minValue": 21.0, "stepValue": 0.0}}, "TimeSegment": ["StartTime", "EndTime"], "MaxSegmentsAllowed": 3}, [], ["weekday", "weekend"], ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]]}}, "Consumption": {"Electrical": {"unit": "kWh", "Heating": {"Daily": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 2}, "Weekly": {"contentCount": 14, "resolution": 1}, "Monthly": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 1}}}, "Gas": {"unit": "kWh", "Heating": {"Daily": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 2}, "Weekly": {"contentCount": 14, "resolution": 1}, "Monthly": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 1}}}}}

daikin_altherma_2.json {"SyncStatus": "update", "Sensor": ["TankTemperature"], "UnitStatus": ["ErrorState", "WarningState"], "Operation": {"Power": ["on", "standby"], "OperationMode": ["heating", "standby"], "SensorTemperature": {"stepValue": 1.0}, "TargetTemperature": {"heating": {"maxValue": 60.0, "minValue": 35.0, "stepValue": 1.0}, "standby": {"maxValue": 60.0, "minValue": 35.0, "stepValue": 1.0}}, "DomesticHotWaterTemperatureHeating": {"maxValue": 60.0, "minValue": 35.0, "stepValue": 1.0, "settable": true}}, "Schedule": {"Base": "TimeSegment", "defaultScheduleAvailable": "false", "NameAdjustable": "false", "List": {"Heating": [{"StartTime": {"unit": "minute"}, "EndTime": {"unit": "minute"}, "OperationMode": ["heating"], "TimeSegment": ["StartTime", "EndTime"], "MaxSegmentsAllowed": 3}, [], ["weekday", "weekend"], ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"], ["weekday", "weekend"], ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]]}}, "Consumption": {"Electrical": {"unit": "kWh", "Heating": {"Daily": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 2}, "Weekly": {"contentCount": 14, "resolution": 1}, "Monthly": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 1}}}, "Gas": {"unit": "kWh", "Heating": {"Daily": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 2}, "Weekly": {"contentCount": 14, "resolution": 1}, "Monthly": {"contentCount": 24, "resolution": 1}}}}}

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

Can you try to replace sensor.py file, located in your config folder custom_components/daiking_altherma with this one.

And of course after you replace restart HA

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Good morning, done

1st logs: image

2nd sensors appear for D2CND(Gas): image


image image

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

That's not bad. Now try to replace with this

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago



tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

Ok that was a stupid mistake. Let's try again with this

eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

Sensor are back ;)

image image

and no errors in HA logs regarding daikin :)


eduardkirkosa commented 1 year ago

what I can see a bit odd ;), maybe it's History logging slow, but the Value for the sensor show zero and attributes show data ( 2Hours and Day):

image image

Month show value + attributes image

tadasdanielius commented 1 year ago

I see what is happening here. Normally, on my device, the data arrives with values and then is set to null for the rest of the day. This means I can simply pick the last non-null value and set it as the sensor value. However, in your case, the values are being set to 0, which is causing confusion with the integration. It might be best for you to create a template sensor that checks the time of day and picks the correct value from the attribute values. I will think about it.