taggon / livereload

LiveReload plugin for Atom
MIT License
34 stars 13 forks source link

Deprecated Atom APIs will be removed June 1st #16

Closed benogle closed 9 years ago

benogle commented 9 years ago

Atom will no longer load this package after June 1st without changes. There are a couple deprecations on the latest version (0.2.0) of this package:

  1. The context menu CSON format has changed. Please see https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/ContextMenuManager#context-menu-cson-format for more info.
  2. Use activationCommands instead of activationEvents in your package.json Commands should be grouped by selector as follows: json "activationCommands": { "atom-workspace": ["foo:bar", "foo:baz"], "atom-text-editor": ["foo:quux"] }
  3. Requiring View from atom is no longer supported. Please require atom-space-pen-views instead: {View} = require 'atom-space-pen-views' Add "atom-space-pen-views": "^2.0.3" to your package dependencies.
  4. atom.workspaceView is no longer available. In most cases you will not need the view. See the Workspace docs for alternatives: https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/Workspace. If you do need the view, please use atom.views.getView(atom.workspace), which returns an HTMLElement.
  5. The atom.workspaceView.statusBar global is deprecated. The global was previously being assigned by the status-bar package, but Atom packages should never assign globals. In the future, this problem will be solved by an inter-package communication API available on atom.services. For now, you can get a reference to the status-bar element via document.querySelector('status-bar').
  6. Use ::addRightTile({item, priority}) instead.
  7. Use ::getPaths instead

Visit https://gist.github.com/benogle/6d09e295c84b717ef9b4 and search for your package name to see what deprecations are being reported on this package.

See https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/6867 for more info.

lallmon commented 9 years ago

+1 is this something you can tackle, @taggon and/or how hard are these changes, perhaps I can fix some of them. This is a great and very useful package.