taggon / livereload

LiveReload plugin for Atom
MIT License
34 stars 13 forks source link

LiveReload for Atom

Build Status

An Atom package enables you to control built-in LiveReload server.

LiveReload monitors changes in the file system. As soon as you save a file, it is preprocessed as needed, and the browser is refreshed.

Even cooler, when you change a CSS file or an image, the browser is updated instantly without reloading the page.

from LiveReload official site


  1. Select main menu Packages > LiveReload > Toggle Server to turn the server on. Or press Ctrl+Shift+R.
  2. When the server started successfully, LiveReload: PORT_NUMBER text appears in the status bar(see the bottom right panel in the following screenshot). LiveReload status text
  3. Click it to get the url of livereload.js JavaScript file.
  4. Put the script into the bottom of documents you want to give power of live reloading.



