tagoro9 / fotingo

A CLI to ease the interaction between git, github and jira when working on tasks.
MIT License
60 stars 19 forks source link
git github jira


A CLI to ease the interaction between Git, GitHub and Jira when working on tasks.

Standard Version Scarf



npm install -g fotingo


The first time that you run fotingo, it will ask you for some information:


$ npm install -g fotingo
$ fotingo COMMAND
running command...
$ fotingo (-v|--version|version)
fotingo/4.7.2 linux-x64 node-v16.20.2
$ fotingo --help [COMMAND]
  $ fotingo COMMAND


fotingo help [COMMAND]

display help for fotingo

  $ fotingo help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

fotingo inspect

Output information about the specified element. If no element is specified, output information about the execution context

  $ fotingo inspect

  -b, --branch=branch  Name of the base branch of the pull request
  -i, --issue=issue    Specify more issues to include in the release

See code: src/commands/inspect.ts

fotingo open [SOURCE]

Open the pull request or the jira ticket from the fotingo context in a browser

  $ fotingo open [SOURCE]

  SOURCE  (jira|pr|repo) [default: jira] Source place that you want to open

See code: src/commands/open.ts

fotingo release RELEASE

Create a release with your changes

  $ fotingo release RELEASE

  RELEASE  Name of the release to be created

  -i, --issues=issues  Specify more issues to include in the release
  -n, --noVcsRelease   Do not create a release in the remote VCS
  -s, --simple         Do not use any issue tracker
  -y, --yes            Do not prompt for any input but accept all the defaults

See code: src/commands/release.ts

fotingo review

Submit current issue for review

  $ fotingo review

  -b, --branch=branch        Name of the base branch of the pull request
  -d, --draft                Create a draft pull request
  -l, --labels=labels        Labels to add to the pull request
  -r, --reviewers=reviewers  Request some people to review your pull request
  -s, --simple               Do not use any issue tracker
  -y, --yes                  Do not prompt for any input but accept all the defaults

See code: src/commands/review.ts

fotingo start [ISSUE]

Start working on an issue

  $ fotingo start [ISSUE]

  ISSUE  Id of the issue to start working with

  -a, --parent=parent            Parent of the issue to be created
  -b, --branch=branch            Name of the base branch of the pull request
  -d, --description=description  Description of the issue to be created
  -k, --kind=kind                Kind of issue to be created
  -l, --labels=labels            Labels to add to the issue
  -n, --no-branch-issue          Do not create a branch with the issue name
  -p, --project=project          Name of the project where to create the issue
  -t, --title=title              Title of issue to create

See code: src/commands/start.ts

fotingo verify

Verify that fotingo can authenticate with the remote services

  $ fotingo verify

See code: src/commands/verify.ts

Semantic release

Fotingo can be used as a semantic-release plugin via https://github.com/tagoro9/semantic-release-fotingo


Fotingo will try to guess most of the information based on the user environment, but there is some data that it still needs to be stored. On the first run, fotingo will create a .fotingorc configuration file inside your home directory. This file is used to store access tokens and some basic configuration information.

Local configuration files

You can create project-specific configuration files. Just create a .fotingorc file inside your project root folder. This file, needs to be in JSON format as well. You can also overwrite global configuration in this file. An example config file may just be:

  "git": {
    "baseBranch": "develop"

Configuration properties

Fotingo will use as many defaults as possible to make it easier to use, but maybe you want to change some of the defaults. In that case, you can update any of the next properties in a fotingo configuration file

Path Description default
git.baseBranch Git base branch to use when creating new branches master
git.branchTemplate Template used when creating a new branch See templates
git.remote Git remote to use origin
github.authToken Auth token to connect to Github -
github.owner Owner of the repository when creating a PR Extracted from remote
github.pullRequestTemplate Template to use when creating a PR See templates
github.repo Name of the repository when creating a PR Extracted from remote
jira.releaseTemplate Template to use when creating a release See templates
jira.root URL root to the Jira server -
jira.status Regexes to identify workflow statuses See jira status
jira.user.login User login to connect to Jira -
jira.user.token User token to connect to Jira -

Environment variables

Some of the fotingo configuration properties can be set using environment variables.

Variable Property
GITHUB_TOKEN github.authToken


There are some configuration properties in fotingo that are template based, meaning that they can be customized to better suit your needs.

You can use { and } to interpolate the desired data. This is the data that is available in each template:

Jira status

Fotingo internally uses 5 status for an issue: Backlog, Selected for Development, In progress, In review, Done. It automatically tries to map these statuses to Jira statuses, but sometimes projects may have simplified statuses in Jira and fotingo won't be able to do the mapping automatically. If that is the case, the jira.status config can be used to help fotingo do the mapping. Each entry should be a regex to map to that status:

  "jira": {
    "status": {
      "BACKLOG": "backlog",
      "IN_PROGRESS": "in progress",
      "IN_REVIEW": "review",
      "DONE": "done",
      "SELECTED_FOR_DEVELOPMENT": "(todo)|(to do)|(selected for development)"

Multiple fotingo status can point to the same Jira status.

Why fotingo?

When working on Jira backed projects, I see a common pattern I repeat several times a day:

This seems like a reasonable workflow, but when addressing several issues on a given day, this process becomes very cumbersome. Thus... Fotingo.


If you run into problems, you can get more verbose output from the tool by adding:

DEBUG="fotingo:*" fotingo ...

Running locally

In order to run the tool locally you will have to clone the repo and then run:

yarn link

After that, just run yarn run watch and the script will compile with every change you make to the source code.


fotingo not found when installing with yarn.

You need to have the directory where yarn installs global packages in your path. You can read more about that here and here. You just need to add export PATH="$(yarn global bin | grep -o '/.*'):$PATH" to your .bash_profile or equivalent.


If you want to extend this tool with anything, feel free to submit a pull request.

What is a fotingo?

This word in Spanish (Canary Islands) means Rickety old car, but what is more interesting is the word's origin: In 1908 the Ford Motor Company released the Ford Model T with the slogan of foot 'n go, as in, just put your "foot on the pedal and go". In some hispanic regions this morphed into the current version of fotingo. With a single command, you can put your foot 'n go on your next issue.