tagyoureit / nodejs-poolController-webClient

Web app for nodejs-poolController 6.0 and above.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
9 stars 4 forks source link


The only web client for nodejs-poolController that is being currently maintained is dashPanel. Please switch to that project.


This client application is for use with nodejs-poolController (an app for controlling Pentair pool equipment).


If you want to use SSDP for automatic configuration then please ensure it is enable on the nodejs-poolController app (in config.json).

To use this client, install it as a separate application:

  1. Download or clone the repository
  2. npm i to install dependencies
  3. Optional - modify config.json:
    • Change the port where end users will load this client. Default is 8080.
  4. Start the app.
    • npm start will clean out the compiled directories and recompile all files anew. This should be the starting script every time you download/pull a new version.
    • For faster startup times, run npm run start:cached to use the existing compiled files created by npm start.
  5. To manually enter the ip of nodejs-poolController open the hamburger menu (top right) and disable SSDP and enter an address.

nodejs-poolController by default will only listen to connections on the localhost ( adapter. If you will be running this client on a different machine edit config.json in the nodejs-poolController app so http/https servers listen on a different (external) interface.

Virtual Controllers