tahoe-lafs / trac2gitea

Utility for migrating Trac projects into Gitea.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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trac2gitea is a command-line utility for migrating Trac projects to Gitea.


At present the following Trac data is converted:


The utility requires access to both the Trac and Gitea filestore. It retrieves data directly from the Trac database and writes into the Gitea database. Access to the Gitea project wiki is by checking out the wiki git repository.

The Gitea project must have been created prior to the migration as must the Gitea project wiki if a Trac wiki is to be converted (this can however just consist of an empty Home.md welcome page).


Usage: ./trac2gitea [options] <trac-root> <gitea-root> <gitea-org> <gitea-repo> [<user-map>] [<label-map>] [<revision-map>]
      --app-ini string            Path to Gitea configuration file (app.ini). If not set, fetch the configuration from the standard locations. Useful if Gitea is running in a Docker container and you need a separate configuration file to reference the data on the host volumes.
      --db-only                   convert database only
      --default-user string       Fallback Gitea user if a Trac user cannot be mapped to an existing Gitea user. Defaults to <gitea-org>
      --generate-maps             generate default user/label mappings into provided map files (note: no conversion will be performed in this case)
      --no-wiki-push              do not push wiki on completion
      --overwrite                 overwrite existing data (by default previously-imported issues, labels, wiki pages etc are skipped)
      --verbose                   verbose output
      --wiki-convert-predefined   convert Trac predefined wiki pages - by default we skip these
      --wiki-dir string           directory into which to checkout (clone) wiki repository - defaults to cwd
      --wiki-only                 convert wiki only
      --wiki-token string         password/token for accessing wiki repository (ignored if wiki-url provided)
      --wiki-url string           URL of wiki repository - defaults to <server-root-url>/<gitea-user>/<gitea-repo>.wiki.git

User Mappings

A file mapping from Trac users onto Gitea usernames can be provided via the <user-map> parameter. This is a text file containing lines of the form: <trac-user> = <gitea-username>

A default version of the mapping file can be generated by providing the --generate-maps flag. This will write the default mapping into the user mapping file but not perform any actual data conversions. The file can then be reviewed and edited as appropriate and the actual conversion process run by removing the --generate-maps flag.

If the <user-map> parameter is omitted, the conversion will proceed using the default mapping.

The default mapping maps a Trac user onto a Gitea user where the Gitea user has any of the following:

Where no mapping exists for a Trac user (the user map contains a line <trac-user> =):

Where a mapping exists for a Trac user, the mapped Gitea user will be used in all relevant issues, comments etc.

Label Mappings

A file mapping from Trac component, priority, resolution, severity, type and version names onto Gitea label names can be provided via the <label-map> parameter. This is a text file containing lines of the form: <label-type>:<trac-item-name> = <gitea-label-name> where <label-type> must be one of component, priority, resolution, severity, type and version.

As with user mappings, a default version of the mapping file can be generated by providing the --generate-maps flag. This will write the default mapping into the label mapping file but not perform any actual data conversions. Again, the file can then be reviewed and edited then actual conversion process run by removing the --generate-maps flag. The mapping file can be edited so that <gitea-label-name> is unset for any Trac item (e.g. resolution:fixed =), in which case no Gitea label will be created for the Trac item.

The default mapping maps a Trac item name onto a Gitea label of the same name whether or not the Gitea label already exists.

If the <label-map> parameter is omitted, the conversion will proceed using the default mapping.

Revision Mappings

When using Subgit to convert a subversion repository to git, git-notes are attached to each commit created from the svn changeset, e.g.

r4640 myapp/trunk

These can easily be extracted and used as a <revision-map> file:

git log --all --format="%H=%N" > revisions.txt

This produces a file that looks like this:

e06f33e922f84aca19701889724ef858d6aef9a8=r3992 myapp/trunk
c3f16196bdb1d25f8a8fa85bdad5a569cf481f2a=r3991 myapp/trunk
3c8f9ed45c943f3d4817d65600cd254d20337ab1=r3990 myapp/trunk
fca57ea123049cc56549c602e0daffc9c127fac6=r3987 myapp/trunk

Pass in this file as a <revision-map> and trac2gitea will re-write svn revision references in the ticket comments, e.g.:

if the <revision-map> parameter is omitted, the conversion will proceed without trying to map svn revisions to git commits.


The current trac access code is written for sqlite only.

Most of the SQL used by the converter is fairly generic so porting to a different database type should hopefully not be particularly difficult.

Ideally, adapting the trac code to use GORM (like the gitea code) to support multiple database types should be straight forward.

For anyone using a different trac database, the database connection is created in:

All trac database accesses are in package accessor.trac.


From the root of the source tree run:


This will build the application as an executable trac2gitea (in the source tree root directory) and run the tests.

To build the application itself without running the tests, use:

make build

Missing dependencies can be fetched using:

make deps


In order to improve the reproducibility, one can leverage Docker:

docker compose build
docker compose run --rm go-shell
go version
make mockdeps && make