taikoxyz / zkevm-circuits

DEPRECATED in favor of https://github.com/taikoxyz/raiko! Taiko's fork of the PSE's ZK-EVM
160 stars 125 forks source link

Deprecated in favor of raiko!

Circuits for zkEVM

CI checks

Check out the work in progress specification to learn how it works.

Getting started

To run the same tests as the CI, please use: make test-all.

Running benchmarks

There are currently several benchmarks to run in the workspace in regards to the circuits. All use the DEGREE env var to specify the degree of the K parameter that you want to use for your circuit in the bench process.

You can also run all benchmarks by running: make circuit_benches DEGREE=18.

GH Actions Benchmark Results

Circuit Benchmark Results are accessible here: https://grafana.zkevm-testnet.org/d/vofy8DAVz/circuit-benchmarks?orgId=1