taishin / rbvmoni-zabbix

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rbvmoni-zabbix is a Ruby script which monitors vSphere environment by Zabbix.
This script has the following features.



  1. Set rbvmoni-zabbix.rb on /etc/zabbix.
    • Set userparameter_vsphere-vm.conf on Userparameter directory. (Generally,/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d)
    • Import XML files (Zabbix Template) to Zabbix by Web Interface.
    • Set maximum(30) to Timeout of Zabbix Server and Zabbix Agent. (Generally,/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf,/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf)
    • Execute rbvmoni-zabbix.rb /etc/zabbix/rbvmoni-zabbix.rb (vCenter IP) (vCenter Username) (vCenter Password) (Zabbix Group Prefix) (Zabbix API URL) Example
      /etc/zabbix/rbvmoni-zabbix.rb administrator password DC
      0 is retuned when it succeeds.
      Status files and log files are created in /tmp/vsphere/.
    • Regist vCenter into Host of Zabbix, and apply Template-vCenter.xml to it.
    • Create the following macro to registered vCenter.
    • {$VC_HOST} vCenter IP Address
    • {$VC_USERNAME} vCenter Username
    • {$VC_PASSWORD} vCenter Password
    • {$DS_NAME} Zabbix Group Prefix
    • {$ZBX_URL} Zabbix API URL


If you do not want to remove VirtualMachine which you removed from Zabbix, $EnableDeprovisioningHostGroup is set to True, you can move to Host Groups called Deprovisioned Hosts of Zabbix, without removing Host.
(Thanks, jaganz!)

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